Via Falloppio, 61 - PADOVA
8.30-12.30 / 15.00-19.00
Sabato pomeriggio chiuso
Libreria medica internazionale
0,00 €


Clinical Trials in Rheumatology
Mueller, von Kempis
207,00 €
42,00 €
Skin Manifestations in Rheumatic Disease
Matucci-Cerinic, Furst, Fiorentino
80,00 €
Newcombe, Robinson
150,00 €
Malattie reumatiche
Galeazzi - Marcolongo
148,00 €
Targeted Treatment of the Rheumatic Diseases
Weisman, Weinblatt, Louie, Van Vollenhoven
151,00 €
168,00 €
41,00 €
Oxford Textbook of Rheumatology Fourth Edition
Watts, Conaghan, Denton, Foster, Isaacs, Müller-Ladner
144,00 €
Casi clinici in reumatologia
Salaffi, Carotti, Scarano, Govoni
16,00 €
Pulmonary Manifestations of Rheumatic Disease
Dellaripa, Fischer, Flaherty
145,00 €
45,00 €
120,00 €
80,00 €
77,00 €
Oxford Textbook of Vasculitis
Ball, Fessler, Bridges, Jr.
322,00 €
Kapoor, Mahomed
150,00 €
Hand Function
Tuncay Duruoz
140,00 €
Dictionary of Rheumatology
Rovenský, Payer, Herold
75,00 €
75,00 € 30,00 €
90,00 €
Psoriatic Arthritis and Psoriasis
Adebajo, Boehncke, Gladman
120,00 €
Pediatric Rheumatology
Sawhney, Aggarwal
170,00 €
Varga, Denton, Wigley, Allanore, Kuwana
100,00 €
Il laboratorio nelle Malattie Reumatiche Autoimmuni
Tozzoli, Bizzaro, Villalta, Tonutti
78,00 €
Bone Disorders
Bartl, Bartl
110,00 €
Oxford Textbook of Osteoarthritis and Crystal Arthropathy
Doherty, Hunter, Bijlsma, Arden, Dalbeth
150,00 €
Joint Preservation in the Adult Knee
Rodriguez-Merchan, Liddle
90,00 €
110,00 €
IgG4-Related Kidney Disease
Saito, Stone, Nakashima, Saeki, Kawano
170,00 €
115,00 €
157,00 €
91,00 €
Antiphospholipid Syndrome
Erkan, Lockshin
130,00 €
Imaging in Rheumatology, 1e
Greenspan, Gershwin
127,00 €
130,00 €
Paediatric Rheumatology
Foster, Brogan
60,00 €
37,00 €
Schlesinger, Lipsky
91,00 €
Oxford Handbook of Rheumatology - fourth edition
Clunie, Wilkinson, Nikiphorou, Jadon
46,00 €
Cartilage Restoration
Farr, Gomoll
170,00 €
170,00 €
84,00 €
120,00 €
110,00 €
33,00 €
The Foot and Ankle in Rheumatology
Helliwell, Backhouse, Siddle
81,00 €
Cho, Bhattacharyya, Helfgott
100,00 €
Hand Function
120,00 €
Managing Myositis
Aggarwal, Oddis,
100,00 €
Behçet Syndrome
Yazici, Hatemi, Seyahi, Yazici
130,00 €
65,00 €
MRI of the Rheumatic Spine
D'Aprile, Tarantino
100,00 €
Perioperative Care of the Orthopedic Patient
MacKenzie, Cornell, Memtsoudis,
170,00 €
Rheumatic Disease in Geriatrics
Slobodin, Shoenfeld
80,00 €