Via Falloppio, 61 - PADOVA
8.30-12.30 / 15.00-19.00
Sabato pomeriggio chiuso
Libreria medica internazionale
0,00 €

Medicina Generale

Guida al Ragionamento Clinico
Mercieri, Mercieri
80,00 €
Seidel's Physical Examination Handbook, 10th Edition
Ball, Dains, Flynn, Solomon & Stewart
57,00 €
Handbook of Outpatient Cardiology
Bhargava, Wells, Quintero
130,00 €
Small Intestine Disease
Chun, Seol, Choi, Cho
140,00 €
Postinjury Multiple Organ Failure
Balogh, Coimbra, Di Saverio
100,00 €
Diabetes Secrets
35,00 €
66,00 €
La Guardia Medica
24,00 €
COVID-19 Pandemic
Hidalgo, Rodríguez-Vega & Pérez-Fernández
88,00 €
79,00 €
84,00 €
35,00 €
Endocrinology and Diabetes
Bandeira, Gharib,Griz, Faria
110,00 €
43,00 €
Guida al Controllo Glicemico
Spattini , Galfano
25,90 €
60,00 €
93,00 €
Travel Medicine, 4th Edition
Keystone, Kozarsky, Connor, Nothdurft, Mendelson & Leder
136,00 €
Optimizing Pharmacotherapy in Older Patients
Cherubini, Mangoni, O’Mahony, Petrovic
150,00 €
171,00 €
Domachowske, Suryadevara,
85,00 €
45,00 €
24,00 €
510,00 €
85,00 €
23,00 €
Jandali, Jiga, Campisi
28,00 €
Nutrition in Clinical Practice Fourth edition
Katz, Yeh, Levitt, Essel, Joshi, Friedman
74,00 €
Psiconcologia 3^ ediz.
Torta, Mussa
45,00 €
100,00 €
Guariti e Cronici
75,00 €
Infections and Pregnancy
Mehta, Grover
140,00 €
65,00 €
120,00 €
Guardia Medica 2^ edizione
Anelli, Velluto
24,50 €
Inflammatory Diseases of Blood Vessels, 2nd Edition
Hoffman, Weyand, Langford, Goronzy
175,00 €
Oxford Textbook of Medicine
Warrell, Cox, Firth
480,00 €
Avoiding Errors in Adult Medicine
Reckless, Reynolds, Newman, Raine, Williams, Bonser
36,00 €
Holgate, Church, Broide, Martinez
113,00 €
60,00 €
195,00 €
240,00 €
Le Fabbriche delle Malattie
Proietti, Proietti
25,00 €
Medicina Generale. Storie e Clinica della pratica quotidiana
Girotto, Gottardi, De Conto, Passerini, Cavasin
59,00 €
Harrison's Manual of Medicine, 20th Edition
Kasper, Fauci, Hauser, Longo, Jameson, Loscalzo
76,00 €
Manuale di Farmacoterapia
Calignana, Gaetani, Blandizzi,Gherlardini
120,00 € 70,00 €
Nutritional Anemia
Karakochuk, Zimmermann, Moretti, Kraemer
200,00 €
Medicine for the Outdoors, 7th Edition
Higgins, Arastu & Auerbach
27,00 €
29,90 €
24,80 €
Sleep Medicine
Sharafkhaneh, Gozal
150,00 €
122,00 €
Benign Prostate Syndrome
Netsch, Gross
100,00 €
High Altitude Medicine
Hidalgo, Da Re, Gandra D'Almeida
140,00 €
24,50 €