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Fundamentals of Forensic DNA Typing, 1st Edition
Academic Press (Elsevier)
38,00 €
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An introductory text on forensic DNA analysis, written by the foremost expert in the field.

Key Features


  • Includes a glossary with over 400 terms for quick reference of unfamiliar terms as well as an acronym guide to decipher the DNA dialect
  • Continues in the style of Forensic DNA Typing, 2e, with high-profile cases addressed in D.N.A.Boxes-- "Data, Notes & Applications" sections throughout
  • Ancillaries include: instructor manual Web site, with tailored set of 1000+ PowerPoint slides (including figures), links to online training websites and a test bank with key



John Butler, bestselling author of Forensic DNA Typing, now applies his expertise on the subject of DNA analysis into an introductory textbook. Fundamentals of Forensic DNA Typing walks students step-by-step through the DNA analysis process beginning with collection of evidence at a crime scene to the statistical interpretation of the results. Also included are brief discussions of such news worthy topics as victim identification from the September 11, 2001 attacks, the identification of the remains of the Romanovs, the last Russian Royal family, and the O.J. Simpson case. New applications, such as genetic genealogy and tracing domestic pet hairs to perpetrators, are also detailed.

With its clear and understandable style and extensive list of online ancillaries and study aids, this textbook will make the subject accessible to students in forensic science courses worldwide.



Undergraduate forensic science students, lawyers who need enough cursory information to understand and speak to jury, law enforcement, crime scene investigators, legal professionals and government/legal policy makers.

Fundamentals of Forensic DNA Typing, 1st Edition

About the author

Chapter 1 Overview and History of DNA Typing
Chapter 2 Basics of DNA Biology and Genetics
Chapter 3 Historical Methods
Chapter 4 Sample Collection, Storage and Characterization
Chapter 5 DNA Extraction
Chapter 6 DNA Quantitation
Chapter 7 DNA Amplification (The Polymerase Chain Reaction)
Chapter 8 Short Tandem Repeat Markers
Chapter 9 Fundamentals of DNA separation and Detection
Chapter 10 STR Genotyping and Data Interpretation
Chapter 11 Statistical Interpretation: Evaluating the Strength of Forensic DNA Evidence
Chapter 12 DNA databases
Chapter 13 Quality Assurance
Chapter 14 Forensic Challenges: Degraded DNA, Mixtures, and LCN
Chapter 15 Additional Loci and Non-Human DNA Testing
Chapter 16 Lineage Markers: Y Chromosome and mtDNA Testing
Chapter 17 Applications of DNA Typing
Chapter 18 Future Trends

Appendix 1 Glossary of Terms
Appendix 2 Useful Websites
Appendix 3 Probability and Statistics


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