Via Falloppio, 61 - PADOVA
8.30-12.30 / 15.00-19.00
Sabato pomeriggio chiuso
Libreria medica internazionale
0,00 €


90,00 €
Schwartz, Denstedt,
120,00 €
Penn Clinical Manual of Urology, 3rd Edition
Guzzo, Kovell, Ziemba, Weiss & Wein
116,00 €
Textbook of Uroradiology
Dunnick, Sandler, Newhouse
146,00 €
100,00 €
30,00 €
78,00 €
45,00 €
Malattie dei Reni e delle Vie Urinarie 4/ed
Schena, Selvaggi, Gesualdo, Battaglia
61,00 €
Pediatric Incontinence
Franco, Austin, Bauer, Von Gontard
121,50 €
Management of Sexual Dysfunction in Men and Women
Lipshultz, Pastuszak, Goldstein
120,00 €
Prostatitis and Its Management
Cai, Bjerklund Johansen
80,00 €
110,00 €
120,00 €
110,00 €
Basic Urological Management
Goonewardene, Pietrzak, Albala
130,00 €
Dmochowski, Heesakkers,
130,00 €
230,00 €
Practical Simulation in Urology
Biyani, Van Cleynenbreugel, Mottrie
180,00 €
Bladder Cancer
Kamat, Black
140,00 €
Clinical Management of Infertility
Schenker, Genazzani, Sciarra, Mettler, Birkhäuser
130,00 €
102,00 €
Complications of Surgery for Male Urinary and Fecal Incontinence
Siracusano, Dodi, Pennisi, Gozzi, Pastore, Cerruto
85,00 €
70,00 €
120,00 €
Rare and Complex Urology
Tidman, Feitz
143,00 €
110,00 €
Manuale di Nefro-Urologia Pediatrica
Edefonti, Massella, Montini
64,00 €
49,00 €
138,00 €
Penn Clinical Manual of Urology, 2nd Edition
Hanno, Guzzo, Malkowicz, Wein
80,00 €
Andrologia d'Urgenza
Mantovani F
40,00 €
100,00 €
Gontero, Kirby, Culley, Carson III
30,00 €
Underactive Bladder
Chapple, Wein, Osman
170,00 €
110,00 €
120,00 €
157,00 €
Genitourinary Radiology, 6e
Dunnick, Newhouse, Cohan, Maturen
174,00 €
Practical Tips in Urology
Rane, Turna, Autorino, Rassweiler
214,00 €
The Prostate Cancer Dilemma
Stone, Crawford
100,00 €
100,00 €
464,00 €
Renal Cancer
Libertino, Gee
120,00 €
Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms in Adults
Drake, Cocci, Pereira e Silva
85,00 €
Urologia per studenti e medici chirurghi
Artibani, Bergamaschi, Bianchi
39,00 €
The Renal Drug Handbook
Caroline Ashley, Aileen Dunleavy
242,00 €
Urologic Oncology
Stratton, Morgans
150,00 €
Vescica Ileale Padovana
Artibani, Cacciamani, Dal Moro
42,00 €
Images in Urology
Bott, Patel, Djavan, Caroll
120,00 €
Imaging and Technology in Urology
Payne, Eardley, O'Flynn
145,00 €
Robotic Urology
John, Hubert; Wiklund, Peter
140,00 €
Scrotal Pathology
Bertolotto, Trombetta
239,00 €
Koss's Cytology of the Urinary Tract with Histopathologic Correlations
Koss, MD, FCRP, Leopold G., Hoda, MD, FIAC, Rana S.
145,00 €
69,00 €
The Overactive Pelvic Floor
Padoa, Rosenbaum
100,00 €
Antioxidants in Male Infertility
Parekattil, Agarwal
70,00 €
Geriatric Urology
140,00 €
Management of Gender Dysphoria
Trombetta, Liguori, Bertolotto
140,00 €
49,00 €
Endourology Progress
CHAN, Matsuda
170,00 €
214,00 €
Robotic Urologic Surgery
Wiklund, Mottrie, Gundeti, Patel
130,00 €
Benign Prostate Syndrome
Netsch, Gross
100,00 €
Handbook of Neurourology
Liao, Madersbacher
900,00 €