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Practical Tips in Urology
Rane, Turna, Autorino, Rassweiler
214,00 €


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Practical Tips in Urology is a compact, illustrated reference which provides the reader with practical tips and advice in managing day-to-day urological issues encountered in a clinical setting. This book draws on practical experience and offers useful information that is often lacking in didactic textbooks of urology and in journal articles. Practical Tips in Urology provides tips in dealing with urological emergencies, elective surgery and common outpatient consultation problems, among other things. Written by experts in the field, Practical Tips in Urology is key reading for all practicing urologists and residents in training.

  • Diagnostic Algorithms for Hematuria

    Creswell, Joanne

    Pages 3-8

  • Hydronephrosis in Pregnancy

    Zordani, Alessio (et al.)

    Pages 9-15

  • Practical Interpretation and Application of Urodynamic Findings

    Chiles, Leah (et al.)

    Pages 17-40

  • Practical Interpretation of CT Findings for the Urologist

    Tran, Minh (et al.)

    Pages 41-48

  • What Should Urologists Ask the Radiologist?

    Rastinehad, Ardeshir R. (et al.)

    Pages 49-53

  • Tips for Managing Acute Iatrogenic Ureteric Injury

    Varol, Celi (et al.)

    Pages 55-61

  • Chronic Prostatitis: A Practical Approach to Treatment

    Netsch, Christopher (et al.)

    Pages 63-68

  • How Do I Manage the Septic Urologic Patient?

    Sanguedolce, Francesco

    Pages 69-77

  • Practical Functional Evaluation of Adrenal Mass

    Porpiglia, Francesco (et al.)

    Pages 79-94

  • Interstitial Cystitis: Practical Recommendations for Treatment

    Mammadov, Rashad Sholan

    Pages 95-98

  • Optimal Use of Antibiotics in Urology

    Çek, Mete

    Pages 99-109

  • Difficult Urethral Catheterization

    Villanueva, Carlos

    Pages 111-116

  • Management of Acute Urinary Retention

    Willis, Susan

    Pages 117-121

  • Congenital Anomalies in Adults: Diagnosis and Management Considerations

    Halachmi, Sarel

    Pages 123-142

  • How Do I Get a Perfect Cosmetic Result After Circumcision?

    Ulman, İbrahim (et al.)

    Pages 143-150

  • Technical Tips for Varicocelectomy

    Gökçe, Mehmet İlker (et al.)

    Pages 151-156

  • Optimum Use of Second Line Treatment Options for Erectile Dysfunction

    Arcaniolo, Davide (et al.)

    Pages 157-177

  • Management of Recurrent Urethral Strictures

    Soto-Aviles, Omar E. (et al.)

    Pages 179-190

  • Management of Severe Hemorrhagic Cystitis

    Bardan, Razvan

    Pages 191-195

  • Penile Rehabilitation After Radical Pelvic Surgery

    Ortaç, Mazhar (et al.)

    Pages 197-208

  • Tips for Intravesical Chemotherapy and Immunotherapy

    Semerci, Bülent (et al.)

    Pages 209-215

  • Stone Analysis

    Tepeler, Abdülkadir (et al.)

    Pages 217-222

  • Advice to the Families of the Pediatric Stone Former

    Tekin, Ali (et al.)

    Pages 223-228

  • General Advice on Recurrent Stone Former

    Georgiev, Marin Ivnov (et al.)

    Pages 229-236

  • Lifetime Advice to Patients After Urinary Diversion

    Klein, Jan (et al.)

    Pages 237-248

  • Lifestyle Advice for Sub-fertile Men

    Johnston, Thomas J. (et al.)

    Pages 249-255

  • Optimal Use of PSA

    Dani, Hasan (et al.)

    Pages 257-267

  • Transrectal Ultrasound Guided Prostate Biopsy

    Cicione, Antonio (et al.)

    Pages 269-279

  • Transperineal Prostate Biopsy

    Gaziev, Gabriele (et al.)

    Pages 281-288

  • Tips for Open Renal Surgery

    Esen, Tarık (et al.)

    Pages 289-296

  • Tips for Open Surgical Approach to Pelvis for Urologic Surgery

    El-Hout, Yaser (et al.)

    Pages 297-308

  • How and When Do I Need to Perform an Exploratory Laparotomy After Major Urological Surgery?

    Alken, Peter (et al.)

    Pages 309-314

  • How Do I Become a Surgeon Scientist?

    Şanlı, Öner

    Pages 315-321

  • How Do I Publish a Scientific Urological Paper?

    Pang, Karl H. (et al.)

    Pages 323-329

  • How Do I Set Up a Stone Clinic?

    Kaplan, Adam G. (et al.)

    Pages 333-339

  • How Does Shock Wave Break Stones

    Rassweiler, Jens J. (et al.)

    Pages 341-362

  • Which Lithotriptor Should I Buy?

    Şahin, Cahit (et al.)

    Pages 363-369

  • How Should I Operate on a Lithotriptor for Optimum Results?

    Tailly, Geert G.

    Pages 371-379

  • Tips and Tricks of Rigid Ureteroscopy

    Papatsoris, Athanasios

    Pages 381-385

  • Tips for Flexible Ureteroscopy

    Cloutier, Jonathan (et al.)

    Pages 387-391

  • Technical Tips for Laser Lithotripsy

    Hoznek, Andreas

    Pages 393-397

  • Tips and Tricks for Difficult Ureteral Stent Insertion

    Raza, Asif

    Pages 399-407

  • Tips to Puncture the Kidney Using the Triangular Technique

    Skolarikos, Andreas (et al.)

    Pages 409-418

  • Tips for Puncturing the Kidney Using the “Bull’s Eye” Technique

    Giannakopoulos, Stilianos

    Pages 419-432

  • Tips to Puncture the Kidney Using Ultrasound

    Knoll, Thomas (et al.)

    Pages 433-440

  • Tips to Enter the Pelvicalyceal System in the Supine Position

    Scoffone, Cesare Marco (et al.)

    Pages 441-465

  • Tips for Mini and Micro PCNL

    Bianchi, G. (et al.)

    Pages 467-471

  • Use of Laser in Urology

    Gross, Andreas Johannes (et al.)

    Pages 473-477

  • TUR-P

    Klein, Jan (et al.)

    Pages 479-485

  • How to Perform a Good TURP

    Shrotri, Nitin C.

    Pages 487-491

  • Management of Postoperative Complications Following TURP

    Frede, Thomas (et al.)

    Pages 493-501

  • How to Perform a Good TURBT

    Grimaldi, Giovanni (et al.)

    Pages 503-510

  • Starting a Robotic Surgery Program

    Dobbs, Ryan W. (et al.)

    Pages 513-524

  • Tips for Education in Laparoscopy

    Özgök, Yaşar (et al.)

    Pages 525-539

  • Tips in Anesthesia for Robotic Surgery

    Özgök, Ayşegül (et al.)

    Pages 541-548

  • Patient Positioning for Robotic Pelvic Surgery

    Cestari, Andrea (et al.)

    Pages 549-557

  • What Is the Best Port Placement for Urologic Laparoscopy?

    Gaya, J. M. (et al.)

    Pages 559-566

  • What Is the Best Port Placement for Urologic Robotic Surgery?

    Chopra, Sameer (et al.)

    Pages 567-577

  • How Do You Manage Gas Leak During Laparoscopy?

    Frota, Rodrigo (et al.)

    Pages 579-582

  • Management of Bleeding During Laparoscopy

    Sotelo, Rene (et al.)

    Pages 583-595

  • Transperitoneal Laparoscopic Radical Nephrectomy: Tips for Challenging Cases

    Bove, Pierluigi (et al.)

    Pages 597-608

  • Tips for Safe and Quick Transperitoneal Laparoscopic Nephrectomy

    Tunç, Lütfi

    Pages 609-618

  • The Single Knot Running Vesico-Urethral Anastomosis

    Albisinni, Simone (et al.)

    Pages 619-635

  • Tips and Tricks for Erectile Function Preservation During Robot Assisted Radical Prostatectomy

    Maubon, Thomas (et al.)

    Pages 637-643

  • Tips to Preserve Continence During Robotic Radical Prostatectomy

    Rocco, Bernardo (et al.)

    Pages 645-655

  • Radical Prostatectomy for Locally Advanced Prostate Cancer

    Gözen, Ali S. (et al.)

    Pages 657-663

  • Practical Solutions for Challenging Robotic Prostatectomy Cases

    Satkunasivam, Raj (et al.)

    Pages 665-681

  • Robotic Radical Cystectomy and Urinary Diversions: Step-by-Step Technique

    Gaboardi, Franco (et al.)

    Pages 683-693

  • Tips for Ideal Urinary Diversion

    Rassweiler, Jens J. (et al.)

    Pages 695-711

  • Robotic and Laparoscopic Anderson-Hynes Dismembered Pyeloplasty: A Practical Approach

    Brandao, Luis Felipe (et al.)

    Pages 713-725

  • Renal Reconstruction Techniques for Renal Tumors in Various Locations

    Krishnan, Jayram (et al.)

    Pages 727-742

  • Use of Surgical Navigation During Urologic Surgery

    Simpfendörfer, Tobias (et al.)

    Pages 743-750

  • Nuances of Extraperitoneal Laparoscopy

    Kallidonis, Panagiotis (et al.)

    Pages 751-761



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