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Prostate Cancer: A Comprehensive Perspective
200,00 €
I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.
  • Prostate Cancer: A Comprehensive Perspective covers every possible aspect of prostate cancer, including: targeted therapeutics; proteomics; molecular imaging and robotic technologies among other things
  • Divided into sections headed by leading world experts from Europe, USA and Asia
  • Contains full-color illustrative content

Prostate cancer is the commonest male cancer with over 5 million survivors in US alone. Worldwide, the problem is staggering and has attracted significant attention by media, scientists and cancer experts.

Significant research, discoveries, innovations and advances in treatment of this cancer have produced voluminous literature which is difficult to synthesize and assimilate by the medical community. Prostate Cancer: A Comprehensive Perspective is a comprehensive and definitive source which neatly resolves this problem. It covers relevant literature by leading experts in basic science, molecular biology, epidemiology, cancer prevention, cellular imaging, staging, treatment, targeted therapeutics and innovative technologies.

Prostate Cancer: A Comprehensive Perspective, is a valuable and timely resource for urologists and oncologists.


Table of contents



List of Contributors


Section 1: Basic Scientific Foundation

Editors: John D. Kelly, Hardev Pandha, Maria Shevchuk, Karl-Dietrich Sievert, and Atsushi Takenaka


1. Development, Applied and Surgical Anatomy of the Prostate

Anthony J. Costello and Niall M. Corcoran


2. Molecular Biology and Prostate Cancer

Greg L. Shaw and David E. Neal


3. Endocrine Mechanisms, Androgen Receptor and Carcinogenesis, Hormone Escape

Kaustubh Datta and Donald Tindall


4. Molecular Mechanisms of Castrate Resistant Prostate Cancer

Francois Lamoureux, Amina Zoubeidi, and Martin E. Gleave


5. Immunologic Aspects of Prostate Cancer

Christine Galustian, Oussama Elhage, Richard Smith, and Prokar Dasgupta


6. Stem Cells in Carcinogenesis of the Prostate

Shi-Ming Tu and Sue-Hwa Lin


7. Murine Models of Prostate Cancer

Eric C. Kauffman, Casey K. Ng, and Carrie Rinker-Schaeffer


8. Prostate Cancer and the Metabolic Syndrome

Stephen EM Langley and Jenny P. Nobes


9. Inflammation and Cancer of the Prostate

Sonya Vasto, Emilio Italiano, Vitale Miceli, and Giuseppe Carruba


10. HIV and Prostate Cancer 

Matthew S. Wosnitzer, Jennifer J. Ahn, and Franklin C. Lowe


11. Prostate Cancer Genetics

Sashi S. Kommu, Samuel Bishara, and Stephen M. Edwards


12. Gene Expression Profiling and Somatic Genome Changes

Michael Ittmann


13. The Proteomic Approach to Prostate Cancer

Sashi S. Kommu and Emanual Petricoin


14. Epigenetic Changes in Prostate Cancer

William G. Nelson, Michael C. Haffner, Angelo M. De Marzo, and Srinivasan Yegnasubramanian


15. Biomarkers of Potential Therapeutic Value

Hideaki Miyake, Atsushi Takenaka, and Masato Fujisawa


16. Prostate Tissue Banking

Harveer Dev, Prasanna Sooriakumaran, and Ashutosh Tewari


17. Molecular Imaging in Diagnostics

Casey Ng, Eric Kauffman, and Hossein Jadvar


18. Molecular Risk Profiling

Neil E. Martin


19. Premalignant Lesions of the Prostate

Daniel M. Berney and Anne Y. Warren


20. The Pathology of Prostatic Carcinoma

Maria Shevchuk and Brian D. Robinson


21. The Pathology of Non-Epithelial Tumors of the Prostate

Maria Shevchuk and Brian D. Robinson


22. Neuroendocrine Prostate Cancer

Himisha Beltran, Juan Miguel Mosquera, and Mark A. Rubin


Section 2: Epidemiology, Screening, and Chemoprevention

Editors: Neil Fleshner, Cynthia Kuk, William Nelson, and Alexandre Zlotta


23. Epidemiology of Prostate Cancer

Ankur M. Manvar, Raj S. Pruthi, Eric. M. Wallen, and Matthew E. Nielsen


24. Racial Disparities and the Global Picture

James E. Ferguson III, Matthew Nielsen, Eric Wallen, Raj Pruthi


25. Natural History of Prostate Cancer

Paul K. Hegarty and Nicholas J. Hegarty


26. Population-Based Health Systems as a Foundation for Prostate Cancer Control Research: The Cancer Research Network

Mark C. Hornbrook and Joan Holup


27. Screening for Prostate Cancer

David R. Yates and John B. Anderson


28. Next Generation Screening Tests

Jack A. Schalken and Rizal Hamid


29. Diet and Prostate Cancer: A Holistic Approach to Management

Philippa J. Cheetham and Aaron E. Katz


30. Estrogens in Prostate Cancer

Giuseppe Carruba


31. Vitamin D and Prostate Cancer

Naomi Smith and Alejandro Nolazco


32. The Role of 5a-Reductase Inhibitors (5-ARIs) in Prostate Cancer Chemoprevention

David Margel and Neil Fleshner


33. Other Pharmaceutical Agents in the Chemoprevention of Prostate Cancer

Vivekanandan Kumar


Section 3: Diagnosis and Staging

Editors: Peter Carroll and Gary Dorfman


34. Early-Detection and Patient Risk Stratification in Prostate Cancer

Rajesh Nair, John Withington, Sukanya Ghosh, and Alastair Henderson


35. Tumor Markers

Diederick Duijvesz and Guido Jenster


36. Prostate Specific Membrane Antigen-Based Diagnostics

Joseph Osborne, Scott T. Tagawa, Shankar Vallabhajosula, Stanley J. Goldsmith, and Neil H. Bander


37. Prostate Specific Membrane Antigen-Based Therapeutics

Scott T. Tagawa, Joseph Osborne, Shankar Vallabhajosula, Stanley J. Goldsmith, and Neil H. Bander


38. Presentation and Symptomatology of Prostate Cancer

Agnieszka Michael and Hardev Pandha


39. The Role of Ultrasonography

Suzanne van den Heuvel, Paul C.M.S. Verhagen, and Chris H. Bangma


40. The Use of Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the Management of Prostate Cancer

Matthieu Durand, Aude Fregeville, Naveen Gumpeni, Abhishek Srivastava, Prasanna Sooriakumaran, Siobhan Gruschow, Niyati Harneja, Kristin M. Saunders, Jean Amiel, and Ashutosh K. Tewari


41. The Role of Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Techniques

Pieter J. De Visschere, Gert O. De Meerleer, Nicolaas Lumen, and Geert M. Villeirs


42. Prostate Biopsy

Paras B. Singh, Caroline M. Moore, and Mark Emberton


43. The Staging of Prostate Cancer

Benjamin J. Challacombe and Giles Rottenberg


44. Nuclear Medicine in Prostate Cancer

Vinayaka Moorthy Majuran, Vidhiya Vinayakamoorthy, and Derek Svasti-Salee


45. Nanotechnology and Prostate Cancer

Sashi S. Kommu, Lidong Qin, Louis Brousseau, Amrith Rao, Philippe Grange, and Mauro Ferrari


Section 4: Risk Assessment and Decision-Making Strategies for Localized Prostate Cancer

Editor: Matthew Cooperberg


46. Disease Risk Stratification

Alistair Henderson


47. Nomograms in Prostate Cancer

Carvell T. Nguyen and Michael W. Kattan


48. Comparative Effectiveness of Treatment Alternatives for Localized Prostate Cancer

Matthew R. Cooperberg


Section 5: Management of Localized Disease

Editors: Prokar Dasgupta, Alex Mottrie, Abhay Rane, Joseph Smith, Datta Wagle, and Peter Wiklund


49. Radical Treatment for Localized Disease: An Overview of Options and Strategies for Decision Making

Joseph A. Smith, Jr.


50. Quality of Life and Management of Localized Disease

Andreas E. Nilsson, Gunnar Steineck, and N. Peter Wiklund


51. Active Surveillance for Favorable-Risk Prostate Cancer

Nathan Lawrentschuk and Laurence Klotz


52. Anesthesia for Robotic-Assisted Prostatectomy

Vinod Malhotra and Peter M. Fleischut


53. Retropubic Radical Prostatectomy: The Technique

Hein Van Poppel and Steven Joniau


54. Retropubic Radical Prostatectomy: The Results

Wolfgang Horninger and Jasmine Bektic


55. Radical Perineal Prostatectomy

Rolf Gillitzer and Joachim W. Thüroff


56. Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy: The Technique

Christopher Eden and Anthony Hutton


57. Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy: The Results

Evangelos Liatsikos, Odysseas Andrikopoulos, Panagiotis Kallidonis, and Jens-Uwe Stolzenburg


58. Robotic Assisted Radical Prostatectomy: The Technique

Sameer Chopra, Abhishek Srivastava, Prasanna Sooriakumaran, and Ashutosh K. Tewari


59. Lymph Node Dissection in Prostate Cancer Surgery

Aaron Bernie, Douglas S. Scherr, and Michael P. Herman


60. External Beam Radiotherapy for Low Risk Prostate Cancer

Gert De Meerleer, Piet Ost, Geert Villeirs, Nicolaas Lumen, and Valérie Fonteyne


61. Prostate Brachytherapy: Low Dose Rate

Peter Grimm


62. Prostate Brachytherapy: High Dose Rate

Carl Salembier and Peter Hoskin


63. Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy

Bridget F. Koontz, Devon Godfrey, and W. Robert Lee


64. Proton Beam Therapy and Novel Radiotherapeutic Approaches to the Treatment of Prostate Cancer

Jeffrey J. Meyer, Jordan A. Holmes, and Ronald C. Chen


65. Prostate Cryotherapy

Mohamed Ismail, Shwan Ahmed, and John Davies


66. Focal Therapies for Localized Prostate Cancer

Louise Dickinson, Hashim U. Ahmed, and Mark Emberton


Section 6: Failure and Management of Recurrent, Locally Advanced, and Advanced Disease

Editors: Andrew Armstrong, Ronald Chen, Richard Stock, and John Sylvester


67. Biochemical Failure in Prostate Cancer

Tian Zhang and Andrew Z. Wang


68. The Phenomenon of PSA Bounce After Radiation Therapy

Peter Acher and Rick Popert


69. Management of Locally Recurrent Disease

Piet Ost, Valérie Fonteyne, Pieter De Visschere, Nicolaas Lumen, and Gert De Merleer


70. Management of High Risk/Locally Advanced Disease

Valérie Fonteyne, Piet Ost, Nicolaas Lumen, Geert Villeirs, and Gert De Meerleer


71. Radiotherapy Plus Hormonal Therapy

Jordan A. Holmes and Ronald Chen


72. Watchful Waiting in Advanced Prostate Cancer

Maria Carmen Mir and Nathan Lawrentschuk


73. Androgen and Androgen Receptor Directed Therapy as Initial Treatment for Prostate Cancer

Bruce Montgomery and Peter S. Nelson


74. Hormone-Based Therapies for Castration Resistant Prostate Cancer

Elahe A. Mostaghel and Peter S. Nelson


75. Toxicity of Androgen Deprivation Therapy in Hormone Sensitive Prostate Cancer

Naveed H. Akhtar, Elan S. Diamond, Nicole Eiseler, and Scott T. Tagawa


76. Chemotherapy and Novel Systemic Approaches in the Treatment of Metastatic Castration Resistant Prostate Cancer

Robyn J. Macfarlane, Chris Hovens, Niall M. Corcoran, and Kim N. Chi


77. Immunotherapy

Nicola E. Annels and Hardev Pandha


78. Bone Health: Prevention of Skeletal Related Events and Palliative Care

Jean-Baptiste Lattouf and Fred Saad


Section 7: Outcomes and Complications After Treatment

Editors: Mark Emberton, Brent Hollenbeck, and Tom Lue


79. Assessment of Treatment Outcomes Following Prostate Cancer Therapy

Paul Cathcart and Mark Emberton


80. Urinary Incontinence

Ted A. Skolarus


81. Erectile Dysfunction

Maarten Albersen and Tom F. Lue


82. Immediate/Early Surgical Complications

Thomas J. Walton and Declan G. Murphy


83. Population-Based Outcomes Following Treatment of Clinically-Localized Prostate Cancer

Blake Evans and Scott M. Gilbert


84. Management of Radiation Adverse Effects

Seth A. Strope


85. Management of Complications Following Minimally Invasive Prostate Cancer Therapy

Paul Cathcart and Anthony J. Costello


Section 8: Management of Emergencies and Palliative Care

Editors: Steven A. Kaplan and Alexis E. Te


86. Prostate Cancer Emergencies

Bethan C. Hickerton, Mohamed Abdulmajed, Manit Arya, and Iqbal S. Shergill


87. Management of Bone Metastases

Keen Hun Tai and Farshad Foroudi


88. Pain Relief in Metastatic Cancer

Odette Spruyt and Natasha Michael


89. The Psycho-Social Impact of Prostate Cancer

Addie Wooten and Heather Siddons


90. Nursing Issues in Prostate Cancer


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