Via Falloppio, 61 - PADOVA
8.30-12.30 / 15.00-19.00
Sabato pomeriggio chiuso
Libreria medica internazionale
0,00 €


160,00 €
Pediatric Hypertension
Flynn, Ingelfinger, Portman
200,00 €
Food Allergy
James, Burks, Eigenmann
78,00 €
Epilepsy in Children and Adolescents
Wheless, Clarke, McGregor, Pearl
120,00 €
Pediatric Metabolic Syndrome
Lipshultz, Messiah, Miller
150,00 €
Pediatria essenziale
Burgio, Martini, Nespoli, Notarangelo
190,00 €
143,00 €
Pediatric Primary Care, 5th Edition
Burns, Dunn, Brady, Starr, Blosser
91,00 €
Golden Hour, 3rd Edition
Nichols, Yaster, Paidas, Schleien
42,00 €
42,00 €
Pediatric Imaging
Thapa, Weinberger
61,00 €
Pediatric Dialysis
Warady, Schaefer, Alexander
197,00 €
Pediatric Nephrology, 5th Edition
RN Srivastava & Arvind Bagga
36,00 €
200,00 €
Allergologia per il Pediatra
Silvio Pizzutelli
195,00 €
44,00 €
150,00 €
Buonocore, Bracci, Weindling
150,00 €
80,00 €
Descent of the Testis
Hutson, Thorup, Beasley
120,00 €
MRI Atlas of Pediatric Brain Maturation and Anatomy
Matsumoto,Gaskin, Kreitel,Lowell Kahn
177,00 €
154,00 €
Pediatric Electrocardiography
Abdulla, Bonney, Khalid, Awad
80,00 €
139,00 €
I Bilanci di Salute
Picca, Pierattelli
34,90 €
119,00 €
Therapy in Pediatric Dermatology
Teng, Marqueling, Benjamin
259,00 €
42,00 €
Perinatal Genetics
Norton, Kuller, Dugoff
84,00 €
50,00 €
Bone Dysplasias
Spranger, Brill, Hall, Nishimura, Superti-Furga, Unger
221,00 €
Dermatologia per il pediatra
28,00 €
Pediatric Audiology Casebook
Madell Flexer Wolfe Schafer
75,00 €
Manuale di Ecocardiografia Pediatrica
Chiappa, Antonini-Canterin, Benedetto, Colonna, Manuppelli
42,00 €
90,00 €
Pediatric Endocrinology
Radovick, Misra,
259,00 €
Pediatria e Bioetica
Semplici Stefano
22,00 €
Lo studio pediatrico
39,90 €
110,00 € 80,00 €
Pediatric Psoriasis
Belloni Fortina, Caroppo
70,00 €
Clinical Cases in Pediatric Skin Cancers
Satolli, Tirant, Wollina, Lotti
75,00 €