Via Falloppio, 61 - PADOVA
8.30-12.30 / 15.00-19.00
Sabato pomeriggio chiuso
Libreria medica internazionale
0,00 €


170,00 €
Oral Cancer
Kirita, Omura
190,00 €
Temporal Bone Imaging
Lemmerling, Foer
120,00 €
100,00 €
80,00 €
ENT Secrets, 4th Edition
Scholes, Ramakrishnan
39,00 €
56,00 €
Management of the Difficult Airway
Thompson, Vieira, Rutter
93,00 €
Robotic Head and Neck Surgery
145,00 €
80,00 €
150,00 € 70,00 €
The Chronic Ear
Dornhoffer, Gluth
165,00 €
Manuale di patologia degli organi di senso
Polimeni, Iannetti, Pivetti Pezzi, Filipo Roberto
19,00 €
Minimal Access Skull Base Surgery
Boahene, Quiñones-Hinojosa
149,50 €
Otolaryngology: Principles & Practice
Paparella, Selaiman da Costa, Singh
295,00 €
295,00 €
Otologic Surgery, 4th Edition
Brackmann, Shelton & Arriaga
206,00 €
150,00 €
Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Papel, Frodel, Park, Holt
250,00 € 125,00 €
62,00 €
Albera, Rossi
47,00 €
90,00 €
230,00 €
Maxillofacial Surgery, 3rd Edition
Brennan, Schliephake, Ghali
401,00 €
290,00 €
150,00 € 75,00 €
Pathology of the Head and Neck
Cardesa, Slootweg, Gale, Franchi
280,00 €
Auricular Reconstruction
Firmin, Dusseldorp, Marchac
270,00 €
115,00 €
90,00 €
110,00 €
Juvenile Angiofibroma
Dubey, Schick
135,00 €
110,00 €
90,00 €
Surgical Pediatric Otolaryngology
Potsic, Cotton, Handler, Zur
155,00 €
80,00 €
RadCases Head and Neck Imaging
Shah, Wesolowski, Choi, Friedman
50,00 €
300,00 €
150,00 € 75,00 €
300,00 €
Color Atlas of Endo-Otoscopy
Sanna, Russo, Caruso, Taibah, Piras
100,00 €
140,00 € 70,00 €
Tinnitus and Stress
Szczepek, Mazurek
90,00 €
Rhoton's Atlas of Head, Neck, and Brain
Peris-Celda, Martinez-Soriano, Rhoton
250,00 €
Maxillofacial Imaging
Larheim, Westesson
130,00 €
Atlas of Airway Surgery
Ghidini, Mattioli, Bottero, Presutti
170,00 €
Hearing Loss
90,00 €
Primate Hearing and Communication
Quam, Ramsier, Fay, Popper,
110,00 €
110,00 €
Understanding the Cochlea
Manley, Gummer, Popper, Fay
110,00 €
Sittel, Guntinas-Lichius
135,00 €
The Temporal Bone
Sanna, Russo, Taibah, Piras, Tang
110,00 €
Daniel, Pálházi
219,00 €
299,00 €
Imaging in Otolaryngology
Gurgel ,Harnsberger
126,00 €
45,00 €
120,00 €
120,00 €
Audiologia protesica
Ambrosetti, Di Berardinom Del Bo
95,00 € 85,00 €
Middle Ear Diseases
Mansour, Magnan, Nicolas, Haidar
130,00 €
Laryngeal Cancer
120,00 €
38,00 €
180,00 €
90,00 € 45,00 €
120,00 €
Neck Dissection
Stack, Jr., Moreno
110,00 €