Via Falloppio, 61 - PADOVA
8.30-12.30 / 15.00-19.00
Sabato pomeriggio chiuso
Libreria medica internazionale
0,00 €

Ostetricia e Ginecologia

Handbook for Principles and Practice of Gynecologic Oncology, 2e
Levine, Dizon, Yashar, Barakat, Berchuck, Markman, Randall
52,00 €
260,00 € 143,00 €
Ginecologia e Ostetricia
Zanoio - Barcellona - Zacche'
49,00 €
State-of-the-Art Vaginal Surgery, 2nd ed
Neerja Goel, Shalini Rajaram, Sumita Mehta
125,00 €
170,00 €
60,00 €
Pregnancy and Congenital Heart Disease
Roos-Hesselink, Johnson
110,00 €
157,00 €
High-Risk Pregnancy - 5th Edition
James, Steer, Weiner, Gonik
279,00 €
153,00 €
90,00 €
Genitourinary Radiology, 6e
Dunnick, Newhouse, Cohan, Maturen
174,00 €
Burghardt's Primary Care Colposcopy
85,00 €
110,00 €
52,00 €
Pre-Menopause, Menopause and Beyond
Birkhaeuser, Genazzani
70,00 €
Tinelli, Pacheco, Haimovich
170,00 €
105,00 € 80,00 €
Il Benessere Fetale
Arduini D. , Rizzo G
19,00 €
Ecografia della Mammella
Catalano, Varelli
110,00 €
Fetal Cardiology 3rd edition
Yagel, Silverman
264,00 €
70,00 € 35,00 €
Endometriosis Pathogenesis, Clinical Impact and Management
Genazzani, Nisolle, Petraglia, Taylor,
65,00 €
80,00 €
Shazly, Laughlin-Tommaso
50,00 €
Manual of Obstetric Emergencies, First edition
Valerie Dobiesz, Kathleen Kerrigan
86,00 €
258,00 €
135,00 € 70,00 €
19,00 €
170,00 €
Infections and Pregnancy
Mehta, Grover
140,00 €
Obstetric Catastrophes
Montufar, Hidalgo, Gei
100,00 €
Breastfeeding, 9th Edition
Lawrence & Lawrence
71,00 €
Felis, Valensise, Vasapollo
75,00 €
Anesthesia and the Fetus
Ginosar, Reynolds, Halpern, Weiner
124,00 €
Oxford Handbook of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Collins, Arulkumaran, Hayes, Jackson, Impey
42,00 €
Female Genital Tract Congenital Malformations
Grimbizis, Campo, Tarlatzis
120,00 €
Gynecological Imaging
Buy, Ghossain
180,00 €
129,00 €
38,00 €
The Overactive Pelvic Floor
Padoa, Rosenbaum
100,00 €
121,00 €
58,50 €
Obstetrics: Normal and Problem Pregnancies, 7th Edition
Gabbe, Niebyl, Simpson, Landon, Galan, Jauniaux, Driscoll, Berghella, Grobman
129,00 €
Fetal Medicine
Kumar, Alfirevic
84,50 €
100,00 €
Skin, Mucosa and Menopause
Farage, Miller, Woods, Maibach
150,00 €
Fetal Medicine, 3rd Edition
Pandya, Wapner, Oepkes & Sebire
177,00 €
100,00 €
115,00 €
Salute Pelvica Femminile
Buccella, Castagna, Terribili, Tiberi, Torresetti, Vettori
25,00 €
Textbook of Gynecologic Robotic Surgery
El-Ghobashy, Ind, Persson, Magrina
130,00 €
Neurological Diseases and Pregnancy
Ciafaloni, Thornburg, Bushnell
95,00 €
Noninvasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT)
Page-Christiaens, Klein
131,00 €
Fetal Cardiology
Simpson, Zidere, Miller
110,00 €
153,00 €
75,00 €
Diagnosis and Treatment of Rare Gynecologic Cancers
Frumovitz, Leitao Jr. & Ramalingam
93,00 €
Gynecologic Pathology
Stolnicu, Ali-Fehmi
350,00 €