Via Falloppio, 61 - PADOVA
8.30-12.30 / 15.00-19.00
Sabato pomeriggio chiuso
Libreria medica internazionale
0,00 €


Pocket Dermatology
Hylwa, Hurliman, Liu, Luxenberg, Boull
100,00 €
89,00 €
60,00 €
Treatment of Skin Disease, 6th Edition
Lebwohl, Heymann, Coulson & Murrell
210,00 €
67,00 €
140,00 €
Atlas of Clinical Dermatopathology
Burg, Kutzner, Kempf
140,00 €
Manuale di Dermatologia di Rook
Griffiths, Bleiker, Creamer, Ingram , Simpson
125,00 €
Atlas of Genodermatoses 3rd edition
Tadini, Brena, Besagni, Pezzani
204,00 €
Clinical Dermatology
Soutor, Hordinsky
75,00 €
Manual of Dermatologic Therapeutics, 8e
Arndt, Hsu, Alam, Bhatia, Chilukuri
56,00 €
Melanocytic Lesions
Hoang, Mihm Jr.
120,00 €
Atlante clinico-dermoscopico
Giovanni Di Lorenzo
60,00 €
75,00 €
Il manuale di medicina estetica
D'Aniello, Brandi, Campana, Grimaldi, Nisi
70,00 €
Reconstructive Conundrums in Dermatologic Surgery
Desiree S. Ratner, Joel L. Cohen, David Brodland
144,00 €
Clinical Atlas of Skin Tumors
Baykal, Yazganoglu
170,00 €
Psoriasis: Diagnosis and Management
Sterry, Sabat, Philipp
112,00 €
Atlante di Dermoscopia in Età Pediatrica
Arcangeli, Catrani, Pierleoni, Ruggiero
29,00 €
Botulinum Toxin, 4th Edition
Carruthers, Carruthers
100,00 €
Aquatic Dermatology
Bonamonte, Angelini
170,00 €
Agache's Measuring the Skin
Humbert, Fanian, Maibach, Agache
429,00 €
Tosti, Vlahovic, Arenas
90,00 €
Cutaneous Adnexal Neoplasms
Requena, Sangueza
219,00 €
Dermatologia pediatrica
Mancini, Krowchuk
79,00 €
Acne Dalla patogenesi alla terapia
Fabbrocini, Micali, Cacciapuoti, Lacarrubba
24,00 €
Clinical Contact Dermatitis
Angelini, Bonamonte, Foti
100,00 €
Dermoscopy, 3rd Edition
Soyer, Argenziano, Hofmann-Wellenhof, Zalaudek
67,00 €
116,00 €
Retinoids in Dermatology
Ayse Serap Karadag, Berna Aksoy, Lawrence Charles Parish
132,00 €
Nail Disorders
Archana Singal, Shekhar Neema, Piyush Kumar
89,00 €
Jandali, Jiga, Campisi
28,00 €
Andrews' Diseases of the Skin Clinical Atlas, 2nd Edition
Micheletti , James, Elston & McMahon
191,00 €
44,00 €
100,00 €
100,00 €
Clinical Cases in Scalp Disorders
Waśkiel-Burnat, Sadoughifar, Lotti, Rudnicka
100,00 €
Psychodermatology in Clinical Practice
Bewley, Lepping, Taylor
100,00 €
110,00 €
150,00 €
Pantheon of Dermatology
Löser, Plewig, Burgdorf
150,00 €
138,00 €
Atlas of Trichoscopy
Rudnicka, Olszewska, Rakowska
140,00 €
Bolognia, Jorizzo, Schaffer
356,00 €
Dermatologic and Cosmetic Procedures in Office Practice
Usatine, Pfenninger, Stulberg, Small
116,00 €
Holgate, Church, Broide, Martinez
113,00 €
Cancer of the Skin
Rigel, Robinson, Ross, Friedman, Cockerell, Lim, Stockfleth
155,00 €
140,00 €
Ronald Marks
31,00 €
200,00 €
Color Atlas of Chemical Peels
Tosti, Pearl, De Padova
140,00 €
Emergency Dermatology
Wolf, Davidovici, Parish
96,00 €
60,00 €
Handbook of Photomedicine
Hamblin, Huang
183,00 €
90,00 € 45,00 €
104,00 €
Cutaneous Adnexal Tumors
Kazakov, Dmitry V. McKee, Phillip Michal, Michal Kacerovska, Denise
335,00 €
Surgery of the Skin, 3rd Edition
Robinson, Hanke, Siegel, Fratila, Bhatia, Rohrer
213,00 €
Cancer of the Skin
DeVita, Lawrence, Rosenberg
79,00 €
Kaufman, Mehnert
150,00 €
Rook's Textbook of Dermatology, 4 Volume Set, 9th Edition
Griffiths, Barker, Bleiker, Chalmers, Creamer
687,00 €
Skin and Systemic Disease
English III, Huen, Patton, Grandinetti
108,00 €
Johr, Stolz
92,00 €
140,00 € 70,00 €
Pathogenesis and Treatment of Acne and Rosacea
Zouboulis, Katsambas, Kligman
170,00 €
Cosmeceuticals and Active Cosmetics, Third Edition
Sivamani, Jagdeo, Elsner, Maibach
175,00 €
Skin, Mucosa and Menopause
Farage, Miller, Woods, Maibach
150,00 €
140,00 €
153,00 €
Comprehensive Clinical Plasma Medicine
Metelmann, von Woedtke, Weltmann
170,00 €