Via Falloppio, 61 - PADOVA
8.30-12.30 / 15.00-19.00
Sabato pomeriggio chiuso
Libreria medica internazionale
0,00 €

Anatomia Patologica

Atlas of Forensic Histopathology
Cummings, Trelka, Springer
87,00 €
88,00 €
88,50 €
Color Atlas of Tissue Response to Biomaterials
Mohanty, A Sabareeswaran, Baby, Sebastian, Diana
89,00 €
190,00 € 90,00 €
Fundamentals of Renal Pathology
Fogo, Cohen, Colvin, Jennette, Alpers
90,00 €
Oncologic Imaging: Soft Tissue Tumors
Kang, Hong, Choi, Yoo,
90,00 €
Atlas of Pediatric Brain Tumors
Adesina, Tihan, Fuller, Poussaint
90,00 €
90,00 €
90,00 €
90,00 €
90,00 €
Atlas of Diffuse Lung Diseases
Dalpiaz, Cancellieri
90,00 €
91,00 €
93,00 €
TNM Atlas 7th Edition
Brierley, Asamura
94,00 €
95,00 €
Needle Core Biopsy of Lymph Nodes with DVD-ROM
Ramsay, Rodriguez-Justo, Rodig
96,00 €
96,00 €
99,00 €
Cutaneous Neural Neoplasms
Argenyi, Jokinen
100,00 €
100,00 €
Practical Cytopathology
Xu, Qian, Wang
100,00 €
Precision Cancer Medicine
Jasani, Huss, Taylor
100,00 €
Diagnostic Liquid-Based Cytology
Hoda, VandenBussche, Hoda
100,00 €
100,00 €
Sheaff, Singh
100,00 €
Diagnosis of Endometrial Biopsies and Curettings
Murdock, Veras, Kurman, Mazur
120,00 € 100,00 €
Practical Breast Pathology
Tot, Tabar, Dean
100,00 €
100,00 €
100,00 €
100,00 €
Atlas of Essential Dermatopathology
Masterpol, Kasia, Primiani, Duncan
100,00 €