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I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.
  • Clear and concise text with numerous illustrations
  • Practical hints and guidance for cytopathology trainees from the authors’ personal experience
  • Helpful reading lists at the end of each chapter

Cytopathology: An Introduction is a succinct book which guides the trainee through the hurdles of early cytology practice and can also be used throughout the career as an aide memoire by the more experienced. With numerous illustrations to enthuse the reader and make cytological practice a more enjoyable and educational experience, Cytopathology: An Introduction also highlights points of diagnostic difficulty, particularly with regard to the differentiation of neoplastic from non-neoplastic disease. 

Each chapter of Cytopathology: An Introduction starts by detailing the main methods available appropriate to the clinical situation, followed by descriptions of the relevant cytological appearances and diagnostic pitfalls. Topics covered include the brain and cerebrospinal fluid; pulmonary cytology; serous fluids; thyroid gland; lymph nodes; salivary glands; gastrointestinal and hepatopancreaticobiliary tracts; urinary tract and retroperitoneal cytology; female genital tract; breast; soft tissue, bones and joints; and skin. 

Cytopathology: An Introduction will be an invaluable reference guide to histo- and cytopathology trainees, as well as those preparing for post-graduate examinations and consultants who want a refresher. A quick reference, concise but precise, Cytopathology: An Introduction provides practical and helpful information on the salient cytological features of any condition that may present in routine cytopathology.


1 The Brain and Cerebrospinal Fluid ...................................................................... 1
2 The Brain and Cerebrovascular Fluid .................................................................. 19
3 The Respiratory Tract ............................................................................................ 49
4 Serous Fluids ........................................................................................................... 101
5 The Thyroid Gland ................................................................................................. 143
6 Lymph Nodes .......................................................................................................... 179
7 Salivary Glands ....................................................................................................... 209
8 The Gastrointestinal System, Including the Biliary Tract,
Pancreas, and Liver ................................................................................................ 243
9 The Urinary Tract and Retroperitoneal Cytology ............................................... 289
10 The Female Genital Tract ....................................................................................... 337
11 The Breast ............................................................................................................... 383
12 Soft Tissue and Bone and Joint Cytology ............................................................. 423
13 Skin Cytology ......................................................................................................... 453
Index ................................................................................................................................ 467


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