Via Falloppio, 61 - PADOVA
8.30-12.30 / 15.00-19.00
Sabato pomeriggio chiuso
Libreria medica internazionale
0,00 €

Medicina Palliativa

Oxford Textbook of Palliative Medicine Sixth Edition
Cherny, Fallon, Kaasa, Portenoy, Currow
270,00 €
Palliative Radiation Oncology
Vapiwala, Jones & Dharmarajan
195,00 €
The SAGES Manual of Groin Pain
Jacob, Chen, Ramshaw, Towfigh
150,00 €
147,00 €
Oxford Textbook of Palliative Medicine 6th Edition
Cherny, Fallon, Kaasa, Portenoy, Currow
138,00 €
Neuropalliative Care
Creutzfeldt, Kluger, Holloway
120,00 €
Pain Control in Ambulatory Surgery Centers
Rajput, Vadivelu, Kaye, Shah
120,00 €
119,00 €
102,00 €
Palliative Care in Oncology
Alt-Epping, Nauck
100,00 €
83,00 €
Dolore Acuto e Cronico
Allione, Morra
79,00 €
Surgical Palliative Care
Mosenthal, Dunn
62,00 €
Geriatric Palliative Care
Chai, Meier, Morris, Goldhirsch
62,00 €
60,00 €