Via Falloppio, 61 - PADOVA
8.30-12.30 / 15.00-19.00
Sabato pomeriggio chiuso
Libreria medica internazionale
0,00 €

Chirurgia plastica, ricostruttiva ed estetica

156,30 €
154,00 €
150,00 €
150,00 €
Reconstructive Transplantation
Gurunian, Rampazzo, Papay, Bassiri Gharb
150,00 €
Atlas of Breast Reconstruction
Rietjens, Casales Schorr, Lohsiriwat
150,00 €
150,00 €
Centrofacial Rejuvenation
Tonnard, Verpaele, Bensimon
305,00 € 150,00 €
144,00 €
140,00 €
All Around the Nose
Cingi, Bayar Muluk
140,00 €
140,00 €
140,00 €
140,00 €
Challenges in Rhinology
Cingi, Bayar Muluk, Scadding, Mladina
140,00 €
Extremity Replantation
Salyapongse, Poore, Afifi, Bentz
140,00 €
275,00 € 140,00 €
140,00 €
Color Atlas of Chemical Peels
Tosti, Pearl, De Padova
140,00 €
Facial Danger Zones
Rohrich Stuzin Dayan Ross
135,00 €
135,00 €