Via Falloppio, 61 - PADOVA
8.30-12.30 / 15.00-19.00
Sabato pomeriggio chiuso
Libreria medica internazionale
0,00 €
Zaidi, Sinha
70,00 €
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  • ​Based on the personal, hands-on experience of managing vertigo in a large university-affiliated hospital
  • Provides the latest information on epidemiology, aetiopathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation
  • Covers paediatric vertigo as well as the many vertigo-associated disorders in the elderly

Vertigo is an enigma. It is a malady for all ages. It is also a greatly misunderstood and underrated clinical condition. Most physicians see vertiginous patients in their daily practice but no consensus has yet been reached on the true extent of this highly debilitating condition. Vertigo has diverse causes and forms. Diagnosis usually relies heavily on a detailed history and thorough clinical examination, but imaging techniques and a range of vestibular tests are also helpful. Most patients can be treated conservatively with anti-vertiginous drugs and/or rehabilitation therapy, but some require surgical intervention.

This monograph on vertigo is based on the personal, hands-on, practical and clinical experience of managing vertigo in a large university-affiliated hospital. It covers all aspects of the subject, offering the latest information on epidemiology, aetiopathogenesis, diagnostics, the battery of vestibular and allied tests, treatment, rehabilitative management and ethical considerations. The neglected but substantial problem of paediatric vertigo is addressed, as are the many pathologies in the elderly population that can lead to disequilibrium and repeated falls. This book will prove of value to a range of practitioners, including family physicians, otologists, audiologists, vestibular scientists, neurologists, paediatricians, geriatricians, physiotherapists, rehabilitation therapists  and general doctors, as well as medical and nursing students.


​Chapter 1: Nomenclature, Epidemiology & applied basic sciences.- Physiology and Anatomy.- Neurotransmitters.- Vestibulo-ocular reflex.- Cerebellar Tests.- History and Clinical examination.- Nystagmus.- Romberg’s test/ Dix- Hallpike test etc.- Radiology.- Vestibular tests.- Audiometry.- Chapter 2: Clinical conditions.- Meniere’s disease.- BPPV.- Vestibular migraine.- Cervical vertigo.- Acoustic neuroma.- Perilymph fistula.- Vestibular neuritis.- Epidemic Labyrinthitis.- Travel sickness.- Ototoxicity.- Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media.- Central Causes :TIA,Multiple Sclerosis.- Noise.- Vertigo in children.- Miscellaneous conditions.- Chapter 3: Rehabilitation.- Vertigo in the elderly.- Quality of life.- Ethical issues.


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