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Libreria medica internazionale
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Vascular Anaesthesia
Thompson, Telford,, Howell
Oxford University Press
54,00 €
I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.
  • Provides clear, concise information on vascular anaesthesia for trainees and consultants
  • Covers current best practice in vascular anaesthesia
  • Includes the scientific and clinical knowledge candidates need to pass the Final FRCA examination
  • Written by experienced clinicians actively caring for patients with vascular diseases

Providing a practical, current, evidence-based approach to all aspects of perioperative care for the patient with vascular disease, Vascular Anaesthesia is an essential read for all vascular anaesthetists, anaesthetic nurses and anyone else involved in the care of vascular patients throughout the world.

Vascular Anaesthesia summarizes current knowledge, particularly on interventional procedures (radiological, diagnostic, and surgical). This book also equips the trainee anaesthetist with the scientific and clinical knowledge to pass the Final FRCA examination. It enables doctors to approach vascular surgical patients with a firm understanding of a particular procedure, particularly its risks and options for perioperative management based on current best practice.

The management of the patient with vascular disease is evolving rapidly: this indispensible poket reference is of sufficient detail to update the regular and occasional vascular anaesthetist with current best practice for particular, common clinical scenarios. The book also equips the non-anaesthetic medical, nursing, and theatre staff with knowledge and understanding of all other aspects of perioperative care.

1: Epidemiology of vascular disease
2: Anatomy, physiology, and responses to vascular surgery
3: Evaluation of the vascular surgical patient
4: Management of specific medical conditions and medications
5: Principles of perioperative care
6: Practical procedures, regional anaesthesia and pain management in vascular
7: Monitoring of the vascular patient
8: Anaesthesia for vascular radiology
9: Management of patients undergoing specific elective vascular procedures
10: Emergencies in vascular surgery
11: Postoperative management


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