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Ultrasound of the Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands
Sofferman, Ahuja
110,00 €
I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.
  • Highly illustrated, comprehensive clinical reference with annotated images and practical teaching points
  • Key points summarizing each diagnosis and annotated images with teaching points allow the reader to quickly review and absorb a large amount of information in a short time
  • Unique collaboration between a clinician/surgeon and radiologist with extensive experience in head and neck ultrasound

This highly illustrated book, complete with comprehensive clinical references and annotated images, will serve as a leading text to educate head and neck surgeons, endocrinologists, and radiologists on the basics and nuances of thyroid and parathyroid ultrasound.  It emphasizes the use of ultrasound as an office-based modality by clinicians and radiologists who actively care for this special set of patients.  This text uniquely combines the collaboration between a clinician/surgeon and radiologist who share their extensive experience in head and neck ultrasound.



Section I History and Basic Concepts
1 The History of Clinical Ultrasound ........................................... 3
Robert A. Sofferman
2 Physics and Principles of Ultrasound ........................................ 9
Robert A. Sofferman
3 Practical Concepts of Ultrasound .............................................. 21
Robert A. Sofferman
Section II Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands
4 Sonography of the Normal Thyroid .......................................... 41
Hok Yuen Yuen, Cina Shin-Loong Tong,
and Anil T. Ahuja
5 Benign Thyroid Conditions ........................................................ 61
Ka Tak Wong and Anil T. Ahuja
6 Malignant Thyroid Conditions .................................................. 107
Ka Tak Wong, Yolanda Y.P. Lee, and Anil T. Ahuja
7 Ultrasound Surveillance ............................................................. 151
Robert A. Sofferman
8 Parathyroid Ultrasound ............................................................. 157
Robert A. Sofferman
9 Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology ............................................... 187
Robert A. Sofferman
Section III Lymph Nodes and the Neck
10 Lymph Nodes ............................................................................... 211
Michael T.C. Ying, Carmen C.M. Cho,
and Anil T. Ahuja
11 Benign Clinical Conditions in the Adjacent Neck .................... 229
Hok Yuen Yuen and Anil T. Ahuja
Section IV New Advances in Applied Ultrasound
12 Thyroid Elastography ................................................................. 263
Kunwar S.S. Bhatia, Darshana Dattatray Rasalkar,
and Anil T. Ahuja
13 Percutaneous Ethanol Injection for Thyroid
and Parathyroid Disorders ......................................................... 283
Daniel S. Duick
14 Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound and Ultrasound-Guided
Minimally Invasive Therapy for the Diagnosis
and Treatment of Focal Thyroid Lesions .................................. 297
Hok Yuen Yuen and Anil T. Ahuja
Index ..................................................................................................... 305


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