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Travel Medicine, 3rd Edition
139,00 €
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Travel Medicine, 3rd Edition, by Dr. Jay S. Keystone, Dr. Phyllis E. Kozarsky, Dr. David O. Freedman, Dr. Hans D. Nothdruft, and Dr. Bradley A. Connor, prepares you and your patients for any travel-related illness they may encounter. Consult this one-stop resource for best practices on everything from immunizations and pre-travel advice to essential post-travel screening. From domestic cruises to far-flung destinations, this highly regarded guide offers a wealth of practical guidance on all aspects of travel medicine.

  • Benefit from the advice of international experts on the full range of travel-related illnesses, including cruise travel, bird flu, SARS, traveler’s diarrhea, malaria, environmental problems, and much more.
  • Prepare for the travel medicine examination with convenient cross references for the ISTM "body of knowledge" to specific chapters and/or passages in the book.
  • Search the complete text and download images at
New To This Edition:
  • Effectively protect your patients before they travel with new information on immunizations and emerging and re-emerging disease strains, including traveler’s thrombosis.
  • Update your knowledge of remote destinations and the unique perils they present.
  • Stay abreast of best practices for key patient populations, with new chapters on the migrant patient, humanitarian aid workers, medical tourism, and mass gatherings, as well as updated information on pediatric and adolescent patients.


Table Of Contents:


Section 1: The Practice of Travel Medicine

Chapter 1 Introduction to Travel Medicine XXX

Chapter 2 Epidemiology: Morbidity and Mortality in Travelers XXX

Chapter 3 Starting, Organizing, and Marketing a Travel Clinic XXX

Chapter 4 Sources of Travel Medicine Information XXX

Section 2: The Pre-travel Consultation

Chapter 5 Pre-Travel Consultation XXX

Chapter 6 Water Disinfection for International Travelers XXX

Chapter 7 Insect Protection XXX

Chapter 8 Travel Medical Kits XXX

Section 3: Immunization

Chapter 9 Principles of Immunization XXX

Chapter 10 Routine Adult Vaccines and Boosters XXX

Chapter 11 Routine Travel Vaccines: Hepatitis A and B, Typhoid, Influenza XXX

Chapter 12 Special Adult Travel Vaccines: Yellow Fever, Meningococcal,
Japanese Encephalitis, TBE, Rabies, Polio, Cholera XXX

Chapter 13 Pediatric Travel Vaccinations XXX

Section 4: Malaria

Chapter 14 Malaria: Epidemiology and Risk to the Traveler XXX

Chapter 15 Malaria Chemoprophylaxis XXX

Chapter 16 Self-diagnosis and Self-treatment of Malaria by the Traveler XXX

Chapter 17 Approach to the Patient with Malaria XXX

Section 5: Travelers’ Diarrhea

Chapter 18 Epidemiology of Travelers’ Diarrhea XXX

Chapter 19 Prevention of Travelers’ Diarrhea XXX

Chapter 20 Clinical Presentation and Management of Travelers’ Diarrhea XXX

Chapter 21 Persistent Travelers’ Diarrhea XXX

Section 6: Travelers with Special Needs

Chapter 22 The Pregnant and Breastfeeding Traveler XXX

Chapter 23 The Pediatric and Adolescent Traveler XXX

Chapter 24 The Older Traveler XXX

Chapter 25 The Physically Challenged Traveler XXX

Chapter 26 The Travelers with Pre-existing Disease XXX

Chapter 27 The Immunocompromised Traveler XXX

Chapter 28 The Traveler with HIV XXX

Chapter 29 The Corporate and Executive Traveler XXX

Chapter 30 International Adoption XXX

Chapter 31 Visiting Friends and Relatives XXX

Section 7: Travelers with Special Itineraries

Chapter 32 Expatriates XXX

Chapter 33 The Migrant Patient XXX

Chapter 34 Humanitarian Aid Workers XXX

Chapter 35 Expedition Medicine XXX

Chapter 36 Medical Tourism XXX

Chapter 37 Cruise Ship Travel XXX

Chapter 38 Mass Gatherings XXX

Section 8: Environmental Aspects of Travel Medicine

Chapter 39 High-Altitude Medicine XXX

Chapter 40 Diving Medicine XXX

Chapter 41 Extremes of Temperature and Hydration XXX

Chapter 42 Jet Lag XXX

Chapter 43 Motion Sickness XXX

Chapter 44 The Aircraft Cabin Environment XXX

Section 9: Health Problems while Traveling

Chapter 45 Bites, Stings, and Envenoming Injuries XXX

Chapter 46 Food-borne Illness XXX

Chapter 47 Injuries and Injury Prevention XXX

Chapter 48 Psychiatric Disorders of Travel XXX

Chapter 49 Travelers’ Thrombosis XXX

Chapter 50 Healthcare Abroad XXX

Chapter 51 Personal Security and Crime Avoidance XXX

Section 10: Post-travel Care

Chapter 52 Post-travel Screening XXX

Chapter 53 Fever in Returned Travelers XXX

Chapter 54 Skin Diseases XXX

Chapter 55 Eosinophilia XXX

Chapter 56 Respiratory Infections XXX

Appendix: Popular Destinations XXX

Index XXX


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