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Specialty Imaging: Head & Neck Cancer
State of the Art Diagnosis, Staging, and Surveillance
Glastonbury, Harnsberger, Michel
Amirsys - Lippincott
179,00 €
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Specialty Imaging: Head & Neck Cancer is the only imaging book devoted solely to head and neck cancers, with discussions of various imaging modalities (CT, MR, US, PET, DWI, MR and CT perfusion) and their role in H&N cancer. Published by Amirsys, a global leader in medical knowledge, this image-intensive book integrates anatomy, imaging, pathology, and the latest AJCC staging information.  The largest section dedicated to squamous cell carcinoma contains chapters covering each subsite of the pharynx and larynx with multiple imaging examples given of each subsite, and many with clinical images. Utilizing the classic Amirsys bulleted text format, essential information is condensed for fast and easy comprehension and the Key Facts section provides quick reference to the most critical considerations. In this must-have guide, expert radiologists help the reader identify crucial elements of each diagnosis along with hundreds of potential differential diagnoses. This handsome volume equips head & neck radiologists with the most essential knowledge for diagnosing head & neck cancers.


·         More than 60 different head and neck cancers divided into subsections (by tumor site); each section begins with a review of the anatomy of the site and discusses various staging considerations

·         Includes over 1,200 superb medical images, including a variety of pathology stains, radiologic images, and outstanding medical illustrations

·         Entire section devoted to what is often the most difficult part of imaging the H&N cancer patient: post-treatment evaluation of the neck

·         Written by renowned experts in head & neck radiology and pathology

·         Published by Amirsys, globally recognized medical information publisher

·         Comes with Amirsys eBook Advantage, an online eBook featuring expanded content, larger images, and fully searchable text


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