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Prostate Cancer Diagnosis
PSA, Biopsy and Beyond
170,00 €
I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.
  • Chapters authored by a complete spectrum of specialists
  • Provides many new perspectives and technologies
  • Based on the highly successful first edition
  • Presents new data on controversial issues of screening

Based on the highly successful first edition of Prostate Biopsy: Indications, Techniques, and Complications, this new volume presents new concepts that have emerged in answer to current questions from its audience. Many new perspectives and technologies are presented, many from the authors’ internationally recognized work on the topic. Substantial developments in techniques and complications are explored in detail. The chapter authors comprise a complete spectrum of specialists in their respective subject areas. All authors are internationally accepted as the premier authorities on their chosen topics. Prostate Cancer Diagnosis: PSA, Biopsy, and Beyond presents new data on the controversial issue of PSA screening and thresholds as indication to perform biopsy. Office based transrectal saturation biopsy is covered in detail. Other topics explored include template guided biopsy and image-guided biopsy as well as a completely new paradigm for prevention of complications.

1 Defining the Problem ................................................................... 1
Kenneth G. Nepple and Gerald L. Andriole
2 Prostate Cancer Screening: Navigating the Controversy ......... 11
William M. Hilton, Ian M. Thompson, Jr.,
and Dipen J. Parekh
3 Is the PSA Era Over? ................................................................... 27
Ronald S. Boris and Michael O. Koch
4 PSA Dynamics .............................................................................. 41
Stacy Loeb and H. Ballentine Carter
5 Percent Free PSA ......................................................................... 51
Kenneth G. Nepple, Gurdarshan S. Sandhu,
and Adam S. Kibel
6 PCA3 and Other Urinary Markers ............................................ 61
Benjamin Challacombe, John Fitzpatrick, and Roger Kirby
7 Blood-Based Tumor Markers for Prostate Cancer ................... 73
Lily C. Wang, Douglas S. Scherr, and Shahrokh F. Shariat
8 Prediction Models in Prostate Cancer Diagnosis ...................... 85
Carvell T. Nguyen and Michael W. Kattan
9 Is There a Role for Medications to Reduce
the Need for Prostate Biopsy? ..................................................... 97
Kiran Gollapudi and William J. Aronson
10 Indications for Initial Biopsy: Is the PSA
Threshold ERA Over? ................................................................. 105
Christopher L. Amling and Jeffrey C. La Rochelle
11 Preparation for Prostate Biopsy ................................................. 121
Ryan P. Kopp, Christopher J. Kane, and J. Kellogg Parsons
12 Pain Prevention ............................................................................ 133
Allison Glass, Sanoj Punnen, and Katsuto Shinohara
13 Principles of Prostate Ultrasound ............................................... 147
Martha K. Terris and Jason Burnette
x Contents
14 Prostate Biopsy Techniques ......................................................... 161
Edouard J. Trabulsi, Arjun Khosla, and Leonard G. Gomella
15 Transperineal Biopsy ................................................................... 181
Vassilis J. Siomos, E. David Crawford, and Al B. Barqawi
16 Pathological Implications of Prostate Biopsy ............................ 189
David G. Bostwick
17 Complications of Transrectal Ultrasound-Guided
Prostate Biopsy ............................................................................. 227
Ian M. Thompson III, Sam S. Chang,
and Michael S. Cookson
18 Management of High-Grade Prostatic
Intraepithelial Neoplasia (HGPIN) ............................................ 241
Krishna Ramaswamy, Herbert Lepor, and Samir S. Taneja
19 Atypical Small Acinar Proliferation ........................................... 255
Adriana Olar and Thomas M. Wheeler
20 Repeat Prostate Biopsy Strategies:
How Many and Where
Joseph C. Presti Jr.
21 Transperineal Mapping Biopsy of the Prostate
for Assessment of the Minimal Risk Patient .............................. 277
Jonathan A. Coleman
22 Transrectal Saturation Biopsy .................................................... 285
Vincenzo Scattoni, Carmen Maccagnano,
and Francesco Montorsi
23 Role of Imaging as an Adjunct or Replacement
for Biopsy: American Experience ............................................... 309
John Kurhanewicz, Adam J. Jung, and Daniel B. Vigneron
24 Role of Imaging as an Adjunct or Replacement
for Biopsy: European Experience ............................................... 337
Arnauld Villers, Philippe Puech, Hashim Uddin Ahmed,
and Mark Emberton
25 Prostate Cancer Detection: Lessons Learned
in the Cleveland Clinic Experience with Focus
on the Negative Biopsy ................................................................. 351
Ayman S. Moussa, Ahmed El-Shafei, Osama Zaytoun,
and J. Stephen Jones
26 Future Directions in Prostate Cancer Diagnosis ....................... 363
Joseph C. Klink and Eric Klein
Index ...................................................................................................... 373
?.............................................................. 269


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