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Practical Gastroenterology and Hepatology: Esophagus and Stomach
Talley, DeVault, Fleischer
112,00 €
I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

This comprehensive resource for fellows/trainees and candidates for recertification in gastroenterology summarizes the field in a modern, fresh format. Prominent experts from around the globe write on their areas of expertise, and each chapter follows a uniform structure. The focus is on key knowledge, with the most important clinical facts highlighted in boxes. Color illustrations reinforce the text.





Part 1:  Pathobiology of the Esophagus and Stomach.

1 Anatomy, Embryology and Congenital Malformations of the Esophagus and Stomach (Lori A. Orlando, Roy C. Orlando).

2 Esophageal and Gastric Motor Function (Kenneth R. DeVault, Ernest P. Bouras, Nicholas J. Talley).

3 Gastric Acid Secretion and Hormones (Geoffrey Spencer, David C. Metz).

Part 2:  Esophagogastroduodenoscopy.

4 Preparation and Sedation (Benjamin E. Levitzky, John J. Vargo, II).

5 Endoscopic Anatomy and Post-Surgical Anatomy (Mark E. Stark).

6 Technique of Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (David Greenwald, Jonathan Cohen).

7 Complications of Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (Herbert C. Wolfsen).

8 Advanced EGD Techniques (Heiko Pohl, Stuart Gordon, Richard I. Rothstein).

9 Esophageal Dilation Technique (David A. Johnson).

10 Endoscopic Mucosal Resection (Hendrik Manner, Oliver Pech).

11 Ablation of Upper GI Neoplasia (Virender K. Sharma).

12 Enteral Access (Stephen A. McClave).

13 Foreign Bodies in the Esophagus and Stomach (Gregory G. Ginsberg).

14 Endoluminal Surgery (NOTES) (C. Daniel Smith).

Part 3: Other Diagnostic Modalities.

15 Radiologic Approach to Diagnosis in the Upper Gastrointestinal Tract (Stephen W. Trenkner, James E. Huprich).

16 Esophageal Motility Testing (Jason R. Roberts, Donald O. Castell).

17 Ambulatory Reflux Monitoring (Ellen Stein, Philip Katz).

18 Gastric Motility Testing (Jan Tack).

19 Capsule Endoscopy for Esophageal Disease (Roberto de Franchis).

20 Unsedated Endoscopy (Deepak Agrawal, Amitabh Chak).

Part 4:  Problem-Based Approach to Diagnosis and Differential Diagnosis.

21 General Approach to History Taking and Physical Exam of the Upper GI Tract (Evan S. Dellon, Eugene M. Bozymski).

22 Heartburn and Regurgitation (Joel E. Richter).

23 Chest Pain (Guy D. Eslick, Ronnie Fass).

24 Dysphagia (Dawn L. Francis).

25 Rumination (H. Jae Kim).

26 Halitosis (Ganesh R. Veerappan, James H. Lewis).

27 Hiccups (Ganesh R. Veerappan, James H. Lewis).

28 Dyspepsia and Indigestion (Neelendu Dey, Kenneth McQuaid).

29 Nausea and Vomiting (John K. DiBaise).

30 Hematemesis (Thomas O.G. Kovacs, Dennis M. Jensen).

Part 5:  Diseases of the Esophagus.

31 Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (Kenneth R. DeVault).

32 Extraesophageal GERD (Christen Klochan, Michael F. Vaezi).

33 Barrett's Esophagus (Yvonne Romero, Vikneswaran Namasivayam, Kee Wook Jung).

34 Eosinophilic Esophagitis (Jeffrey A. Alexander).

35 Esophageal Motility Disorders (Kenneth R. DeVault).

36 Infections in the Immunocompetent and Immunocompromised Patient (Colin Brown, C. Mel Wilcox).

37 Strictures, Rings and Webs (Peter D. Siersema).

38 Medication-induced Esophageal Disease (Peter Bytzer).

39 Radiation Injury (Matthew D. Callister).

40 Caustic Esophageal Injury (David A. Katzka).

41 Surgery for Benign Esophageal Disease (Roger P. Tatum, Carlos A. Pellegrini).

42 Esophageal Cancer (Michael S. Smith, Charles J. Lightdale).

Part 6:  Diseases of the Stomach.

43 Peptic Ulcer Disease (Vincent W.S. Wong, Francis K.L. Chan).

44 Helicobacter pylori (Barry J. Marshall, Helen M. Windsor, Kazufumi Kimura).

45 Gastritis (Massimo Rugge, David Y. Graham).

46 Gastroparesis (Henry Parkman).

47 Non-Variceal Upper GI Bleeding (Thomas J. Savides).

48 Gastric Adenocarcinoma (Kazuki Sumiyama, Hisao Tajiri).

49 Other Gastric Tumors (Benign and Malignant) (Michael L. Kochman, Yasser M. Bhat).

50 Eosinophilic Gastroenteritis (Joseph Y. Chang, Nicholas J. Talley).

51 Hernias and Volvulus (Rebecca R. Cannom, Rodney J. Mason, Tom R. DeMeester).

52 Surgery for Peptic Ulcer Disease (Henry Lin, Daniel Bougere Jones).

53 Esophageal and Gastric Involvement in Systemic and Cutaneous Disease (John M. Wo).

Part 7:  Functional Disease.

54 Functional Esophageal Disorders (Sami R. Achem, Kenneth R. DeVault).

55 Functional Stomach Disorders (Gerald Holtmann).



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