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Physical Rehabilitation of the Injured Athlete, 4th Edition
Andrews, Harrelson, Wilk
109,00 €
I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

Physical Rehabilitation of the Injured Athlete is a medical reference book that equips you to apply today’s hottest strategies in non-operative sports rehabilitation, so you can help your patients return to play as quickly and fully as possible.

  • Send your players back to the field fast with the latest strategies in non-operative sports rehabilitation.
  • Get balanced, dependable guidance on sports rehabilitation from a multidisciplinary author team that contributes perspectives from orthopaedics and sports medicine, athletic training, and physical therapy.
New To This Edition:
  • Ensure effective treatment planning with a stronger emphasis on evidence-based practice.
  • Master the latest with brand-new chapters on Developing Treatment Pathways, Biomechanical Implications in Shoulder and Knee Rehabilitation, Temporomandibular Rehabilitation, Thigh Rehabilitation, Gait Assessment, Functional Movement Assessment, and Plyometric Training Drills.
  • Access the fully searchable text, downloadable image bank, and 9 online-only appendices at


Table Of Contents:

Section I: Foundational Concepts in Rehabilitation

1 Psychological Factors in Rehabilitation

2 Physiological Factors in Rehabilitation

3 Developing Treatment Pathways

4 Principles of Rehabilitation

5 Measurement in Rehabilitation

6 Range of Motion and Flexibility

7 Principles of Rehabilitation for Muscle and Tendon Injuries

8 Therapeutic Modalities as an Adjunct to Rehabilitation

9 Rehabilitation Considerations for the Female Athlete

10 Biomechanical Implications in Shoulder and Knee Rehabilitation

11 Aquatic Rehabilitation

Section II: Upper Extremity

12 Shoulder Rehabilitation

13 Rehabilitation of Elbow Injuries

14 Rehabilitation of Wrist and Hand Injuries

Section III: Spine

15 Temporomandibular Joint

16 Cervical Spine Rehabilitation

17 Low Back Rehabilitation

Section IV: Lower Extremity

18 Rehabilitation of Thigh Injuries

19 Knee Rehabilitation

20 Lower Leg, Ankle and Foot Rehabilitation

21 Clinical Gait Assessment

Section V: Restoration of Athletic Performance

22 Functional Movement Assessment

23 Functional Training and Advanced Rehabilitation

24 Proprioception and Neuromuscular Control

25 Application of Isokinetics in Testing and Rehabilitation

26 Plyometric Training and Drills


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