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Parkinson's Disease: Non-Motor and Non-Dopaminergic Features
Olanow, Stocchi, Lang
150,00 €
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Parkinson's Disease has traditionally been seen as a movement disorder, and diagnosed by the development of tremor. However, we are beginning to understand that the disease manifests itself in many ways, and that earlier diagnosis might be possible through non-tremor symptoms. This textbook aims to tell the full story of non-motor and non-dopaminergic features of Parkinson's Disease.


List of Contributors.

1 The Dopaminergic and Non-Dopaminergic Features of Parkinson's Disease (C. Warren Olanow, Fabrizio Stocchi, & Anthony E. Lang).

2 Neuropathologic Involvement of the Dopaminergic Neuronal Systems in Parkinson's Disease (Daniel P. Perl).

3 Non-Dopaminergic Pathology of Parkinson's Disease (Heiko Braak & Kelly Del Tredici).

4 Functional Anatomy of the Motor and Non-Motor Circuitry of the Basal Ganglia (Yoland Smith).

5 Functional Organization of the Basal Ganglia: Dopaminergic and Non-Dopaminergic Features (Carlos Juri, Maria C. Rodriguez-Oroz, & Jose A. Obeso).

6 Anatomy and Physiology of Limbic System Dysfunction in Parkinson's Disease (Anthony A. Grace).

7 Animal Models of Parkinson's Disease: the Non-Motor and Non-Dopaminergic Features (Katherine E. Soderstrom, Shilpa Ramaswamy, C. Warren Olanow, & Jeffrey H. Kordower).

8 The Emerging Entity of Pre-Motor Parkinson's Disease (J. William Langston).

9 Functional Imaging Studies in Parkinson's Disease: the Non-Dopaminergic Systems (A. Jon Stoessl).

10 Assessment of Non-Motor Features of Parkinson's Disease: Scales and Rating Tools (Christopher G. Goetz & Cristina Sampaio).

11 Clinical Trial Measures of the Non-Motor Features of Parkinson's Disease (Karl Kieburtz).

12 Clinical Features of Dementia Associated with Parkinson's Disease and Dementia with Lewy Bodies (David J. Burn).

13 Neuropsychologic Features of Parkinson's Dementias (Leonardo Cruz de Souza, Virginie Czernecki, & Bruno Dubois).

14 Neuropathology of Dementia in Parkinson's Disease (Dennis W. Dickson & Carolyn F. Orr).

15 Treatment of Dementia Associated with Parkinson's Disease (Murat Emre).

16 Psychosis in Parkinson's Disease (Joseph H. Friedman).

17 Depression in Parkinson's Disease (Tiffini Voss & Irene Hegeman Richard).

18 Anxiety Syndromes and Panic Attacks (Daniel Weintraub & Staci Hoops).

19 Dopamine Dysregulation Syndrome (Sean S. O’Sullivan & Andrew J. Lees).

20 Neurobiology of Impulse Control Disorders in Parkinson's Disease (Thomas D.L. Steeves, Janis Miyasaki, Anthony E. Lang, & Antonio P. Strafella).

21 Sleep Disorders in Parkinson's Disease (Friederike Sixel-D¨oring & Claudia Trenkwalder).

22 Neuronal Mechanisms of REM Sleep and Their Role in REM Sleep Behavior Disorder (Jun Lu & Clifford B. Saper).

23 REM Sleep Behavior Disorder and Neurodegenerative Disorders (Mark W. Mahowald, Carlos H. Schenck, & Michel A. Cramer Bornemann).

24 Gastrointestinal and Swallowing Disturbances in Parkinson's Disease (Ronald F. Pfeiffer).

25 Bladder Dysfunction in Parkinson's Disease and Other Parkinsonism (Fabrizio Stocchi, Margherita Torti, Giovanni Palleschi, & Antonio Carbone).

26 Orthostatic Hypotension in Parkinson's Disease (Uday Muthane & Christopher J. Mathias).

27 Sexual Dysfunction (Kimberly Pargeon, Karen Anderson, & William J. Weiner).

28 Olfactory Dysfunction (John E. Duda & Matthew B. Stern).

29 Pain and Paresthesia in Parkinson's Disease (Shen-Yang Lim & Andrew H. Evans).

30 Restless Legs Syndrome and Akathisia in Parkinson's Disease (Alex Iranzo & Cynthia L. Comella).

31 Speech and Voice Disorders in Parkinson's Disease (Lorraine Ramig, Cynthia Fox, & Shimon Sapir).

32 Gait, Postural Instability, and Freezing (Yvette A.M. Grimbergen, Arl`ene D. Speelman, Marjolein A. van der Marck, Yvonne Schoon, & Bastiaan R. Bloem).

33 Orthopedic Complications of Parkinson's Disease (Joseph Rudolph & Michele Tagliati).

34 Other Non-Motor Symptoms of Parkinson's Disease (Mark J. Edwards & Kailash P. Bhatia).

35 Overview of the Medical Treatment of the Non-Motor and Non-Dopaminergic Features of Parkinson's Disease (Mark Stacy & Joseph Jankovic).

36 Surgery for Non-Dopaminergic and Non-Motor Features of Parkinson's Disease (Brian J. Snyder & Andres M. Lozano).

37 Effects of Exercise on Basal Ganglia Function in Parkinson's Disease and Its Animal Models (Giselle M. Petzinger, Beth E. Fisher, Charlie K. Meshul, John P. Walsh, Garnik Akopian, & Michael W. Jakowec).

38 Non-Dopaminergic Approaches to the Treatment of Parkinson's Disease (Susan H. Fox & Jonathan M. Brotchie).

39 Prospects for Neuroprotective Therapies That Can Modulate Non-Dopaminergic Features in Parkinson's Disease (C. Warren Olanow & Anthony E. Lang).


Colour plate section.


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