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8.30-12.30 / 15.00-19.00
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Libreria medica internazionale
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Pain in Women
Bailey, Bernstein
150,00 €
I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.
  • Breaks new ground in outlining the breadth of issues related to pain mechanisms and pain treatment in women
  • Details the range of neurohormonal factors underlying pain pathways in women and clarifies potential treatment options based on these factors
  • Addresses all of the common pain disorders common in women

Women are affected by many chronic pain conditions in overwhelmingly greater numbers than are men. They are also at higher risk of disability due to pain in all age groups.   Addressing this problem with a comprehensive and practical examination of the problem, Pain in Women: A Clinical Guide is an important contribution to the literature on sex-based differences in illness and pain in particular.  Developed by a renowned group of experts in pain medicine, this practical, must-read title is designed not only to review the basics of the current understanding of the biological differences between the sexes when it comes to pain conditions, but also to provide clinicians in varying fields with a guide that helps elucidate the proposed neuroanatomical and neurophysiological mechanisms that are currently understood to underlie these differences.  This title reviews in detail the pain conditions commonly encountered in women, covering, for example, special considerations in certain populations of female patients with pain, including the female athlete, those who are pregnant, postpartum, experiencing menopause, and survivors of breast cancer.  A special chapter is dedicated to the issue of early life trauma and chronic pain.  Finally, an entire chapter is devoted to discussion of the role that physical therapy plays in the treatment of pelvic pain.  State-of-the-art and the definitive text on the topic,  Pain in Women: A Clinical Guide will increase the confidence of all clinicians treating women with pain disorders and will improve the treatment of pain in women at all life stages.



1 Sex Differences in Pain ........................................................................... 1
Allison Bailey
2 The Neuroanatomy of Female Pelvic Pain ............................................ 17
Frank H. Willard and Mark D. Schuenke
3 Fibromyalgia and Myofascial Pain ........................................................ 59
Joseph F. Audette
4 Gynecologic Etiologies of Chronic Pelvic Pain ..................................... 95
Aaron K. Styer
5 Pelvic Floor Muscle Pain and Dysfunction ........................................... 143
Sharon Silveira and Samantha J. Pulliam
6 Vulvodynia ............................................................................................... 155
Jennifer Gunter
7 Painful Bladder Syndrome/Interstitial Cystitis in Women ................. 173
Leah Moynihan and Eman Elkadry
8 Headache in Women ............................................................................... 189
Carolyn Bernstein
9 Pregnancy and Postpartum-Related Pain............................................. 201
Colleen M. Fitzgerald
10 The Female Athlete ................................................................................. 219
Mimi Zumwalt
11 Immune Consequences of Early Life Stress: Relationship
to Chronic Pain Syndromes ................................................................... 237
Linda L. Carpenter and Cyrena E. Gawuga
12 Menopause and the Musculoskeletal System ....................................... 255
Leslie R. Morse, Ricardo A. Battaglino, and Jeffrey J. Widrick
13 Breast Cancer-Related Pain ................................................................... 277
Julie K. Silver and Lisa Schulz Slowman
14 Physical Therapy for Female Pelvic Pain ............................................. 291
Jessica McKinney
Index ................................................................................................................. 309


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