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Occupational Cancers is the first fully comprehensive guide to occupational factors of malignant diseases and the diagnosis and treatment of cancer patients and those with high cancer risk due to occupational exposures.
In most malignant diseases there is no straightforward causal association between a specific cancer case and exposure, but occupational and environmental factors are among many other risk factors. This book discusses potentially work-related malignancies, in the context of information about exposure assessment, specific clinical and pathological features of occupational cancer and biomarkers of exposure and disease. Epidemiological data about risk ratios of the cancer in question are reviewed for various occupations and with exposure to specific carcinogens, carcinogenic mechanisms, host susceptibility factors (genetic and other) and other environmental and life-style risk factors.
Foreword [Harri Vainio]
Chapter 1
Environmental and occupational factors of cancer [PB, SA]
This chapter contains general information that assists understanding of the rest of the book, such as
- interpretation of epidemiological evidence and terminology
- classification of carcinogenic agents and factors
- introduction to molecular mechanisms of carcinogenesis
- host susceptibility factors, genetic and acquired (life-style and environment)
- biomarkers of exposure and disease; applications in research and practice
- means of prevention of occupational cancer
Chapter 2
Historical overview of occupational cancer research and control [Jack Siemiatycki]
Chapter 3
Occupational cancer burden [PB]
Contains epidemiological data from Western as well as low- and medium-resource countries
Chapter 4
Genetics and gene-environment interactions [Karl T. Kelsey]
Chapter 5
Mechanisms of carcinogenesis [SA, Karl T. Kelsey]
Chapters 6-23
6-23 Organ-specific chapters contain organized data (see example of lung cancer below) about occupational factors of specific cancers. Often the same chemical or physical agents may be occupational or related to life-style or environmental factors. Exposures other than occupational may have synergistic effect on the cancer risk and are important to discuss. Cancer sites and examples of occupational risk factors are listed below. Main chapters would include:
Cancer of the oral cavity, pharynx and nasopharynx [Daniele Luce]
- risk factors : formaldehyde, wood dust, chlorophenols, pesticides, chromates, nickel, arsenic, welding fumes, textile dust, HPV, tobacco etc.
Cancers of the gastrointestinal tract [Farhad Islami, Farin Kamangar]
- Oesophagus (adenocarcinoma): asbestos, cement dust, pesticides, acetaldehyde
- Cardia (adenocarcinoma): asphalt fumes, wood dust, pesticides
- Gastric cancer: cement dust, quartz, diesel exhaust, coal and tin mining, metal processing, rubber manufacturing, N-nitroso compounds etc.
Malignant tumours of the liver [Amr Soliman]
- occupational risk factors: vinyl chloride and polyvinyl chloride, solvents, chlorinated hydrocarbons, arsenic
- other risk factors: hepatitis infection, aflatoxin, ethanol
- Angiosarcoma of the liver: vinyl chloride
Pancreatic cancer [Eric Duell]
- occupational risk factors not known
- others: tobacco, ethanol
Sinonasal cancer [Daniele Luce]
- risk factors depending on histological type: formaldehyde, wood dust, chlorophenols, pesticides, chromates, nickel, arsenic, welding fumes, textile dust, HPV, tobacco etc.
Laryngeal cancer [PB]
- PAH, combustion products, diesel fumes, wood dust, viruses, asbestos, alcohol, tobacco etc.
Lung cancer [PB, SA, for silica/asbestos-related LC in addition Douglas Henderson or Victor Roggli]
- asbestos, silica, PAH, arsenic, chromates etc.
Malignant tumours of bone and soft tissues [contributors to be decided later]
- Bone sarcomas: several risk factors like pesticides, woodworking, metal working suspected
- Soft tissue sarcomas: pesticides, chlorophenols, dioxin etc., suspected
Malignant tumours of the skin [Philippe Autier]
- risk factors: UV light, PAH, coal-tar, arsenic, viruses, radon etc.
- Mycosis fungoides: halogenated aromatic hydrocarbons/pesticides, UVR, infections
Malignant mesothelioma [Antti Tossavainen, Francoise Galateau-Salle]
- asbestos
Breast cancer [Elisabete Weiderpass]
- occupational and other environmental risk factors: shift-work, possibly DDT before puberty
- others: HRT
Malignant tumours of the female reproductive system [Elisabete Weiderpass]
- occupational risk factors not known
- others: smoking, HRT, HPV
Malignant tumours of the male reproductive system [Lorenzo Richiardi]
- Prostate cancer: possible occupational risk factors pesticides, PAH, metal working fluids/mineral oils
- Testicular cancer: occupational risk factors not known
Kidney cancer [Ghislaine Scelo]
- occupational risk factors: arsenic, cadmium, lead, solvents
- others: smoking, environmental tobacco smoke
Bladder (urothelial) cancer [Nat Rothman, Montse Garcia-Closas]
- occupational risk factors: aromatic amines, heterocyclic aromatic amine pesticides, chlorinated solvents, PAH, arsenic
Malignant tumours of the central nervous system [Maria Blettner]
- possible risk factor non-ionizing radiation esp. radiofrequency fields
Malignant tumours of endocrine organs [Elaine Ron]
- Thyroid cancer: ionizing radiation
Haematolymphoid malignancies [Nat Rothman, Mark Purdue]
- Leukemia: benzene, 1,3 butadiene, PCB, formaldehyde
- Hodgkin- and non-Hodgkin lymphomas, multiple myeloma: pesticides and solvents
Lung cancer
Occupational risk factors of lung cancer
Table including risk ratios in various occupations and exposures
(Table including other known risk factors related to environment, life- style, medication etc.)
Lung cancer associated with specific causal factors
- includes causal factors with remarkable risk ratios or enough literature for detailed handling, for example lung cancer related to asbestos, radon, carcinogenic metals, silica etc.
Epidemiology and contributing other risk factors
Clinical and pathological features of occupational cancer
Means of exposure assessment
Carcinogenic mechanisms
Molecular markers of occupational cancer
Genetic susceptibility
Screening of high-risk populations (if relevant)
Chapter 24
Principles of screening of high-risk populations [contributors to be decided later]
Chapter 25
Strategies for primary prevention of occupational cancer and for the evaluation of their effectiveness [PB; Per Gustavsson]
Chapter 25
Future perspectives [SA, PB]
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