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Multi-Detector CT Imaging: Abdomen, Pelvis, and CAD Applications
Saba, Suri
CRC Press
137,00 €
I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.


  • Includes detailed images and examples in each chapter
  • Introduces the Computed Aided detection systems in CT
  • Offers advanced concept like CT multi-spectral imaging and PET-CT
  • Discusses organ-specific pathology


Computed Tomography represents a widely used diagnostic imaging technique in the medical field. In the last 20 years. CT technology has dramatically improved. CT scanners can image human bodies with an exceptional spatial resolution by diagnosing with high sensitivity and specificity several kinds of pathologies. This book offers a complete and clear description of the CT technique and potentialities in diagnosing human pathologies. All of the organs are covered in detail.

Table of Contents

Liver. Computed Tomography of the Gallbladder and Bile Ducts. Spleen. The Pancreas. The Adrenal Gland. Pathology of the Stomach and Small Bowel. Imaging of the Retroperitoneum. Abdominal Wall. Diseases of the Colon and Rectum. Posttraumatic and Postsurgical Abdomen. Kidney and Ureters. Bladder. Male Pelvis. Female Pelvis: Uterus, Ovaries, Fallopian Tubes, and Vagina. Degenerative and Traumatic Diseases of the Spine. Inflammatory Disease of the Spine. Imaging of Spinal Tumors with Emphasis on MDCT. Ilio-Sacral Pathology. Upper and Lower Extremities. Pathology of the Muscles and Soft Tissues. Computed Tomography Based Interventional Radiology in the Musculoskeletal System. Pediatric Application. Forensic Medicine. Dental Scan and Odontoiatric Applications. Dual Energy CT: Tissue Characterization. Computed Tomography Multispectral Imaging. Positron Emission Tomography–Computed Tomography: Concept and General Application. Modified Akaike Information Criterion for Selecting the Numbers of Mixture Components: An Application to Initial Lung Segmentation. CAD Computed Tomography Lung Application. PET/CT Nodule Segmentation and Diagnosis: A Survey. Index.


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