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This text presents a detailed overview of the principal radiologic and pathologic findings of the most common pulmonary diseases. Its primary radiologic emphasis is on the appearance of the diseases and abnormalities. The goal is to offer the radiologist a greater appreciation of the patterns and distribution of the histopathologic abnormalities as shown on the imaging studies, and the pulmonary pathologist better understanding of the radiologic findings. The text features radiologic-pathologic correlation throughout and has a strong emphasis on high-resolution CT, which generally provides the best depiction of anatomic features. Reviewers praised the concise and succinct narrative style of the first edition.
--Data-driven, evidence-based study results integrated into each chapter, as appropriate
--New chapter on pulmonary vascular occlusive disease
--More than 300 four-color images
--Succinct narrative style
--Written by four authorities (3 radiologists and 1 pathologists), offering a common narrative voice
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