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Metastatic Bone Disease 2nd edition
An Integrated Approach to Patient Care
150,00 €


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Skeletally related events make up approximately 20% of the cancer care economy. Advances in understanding the pathobiology and better biotargeted therapy and improved surgical technology are occurring continuously. Hundreds of thousands of patients are living longer with ever-increasing tumor burden, but patients can remain siloed in their care as they navigate across subspecialty treatments. This comprehensive text ties it all together around the patient, integrating all aspects of care.

Providing an integrated approach to the diagnosis and management of patients with metastatic bone disease (MBD), this revised and expanded text combines discussion of the pathobiology of the disease with the latest oncological and orthopedic treatment modalities. After opening with an examination of the epidemiology and impact of MBD, the biology of bone metastases are discussed, along with considerations of the tissue of origin, evaluation, biopsy andmedical therapy, including metabolic agents and biotargeting. The heart of the book presents oncological approaches (supportive, radiation and interventional) and principles of orthopedic surgical oncology, with subsequent chapters covering specific anatomy, from the pelvis to the lower extremity and the spine. Chapters on emerging surgical technology and future directions conclude the text. New to this edition are considerations around patient-reported outcomes. 

Utilizing the latest clinical evidence and treatment techniques, Metastatic Bone Disease, Second Edition is standalone resource reflecting a comprehensive, patient-centric resource for all types of providers.

Front Matter
Pages i-xi
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The Problem

    Front Matter
    Pages 1-1
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    Bone Metastases: Epidemiology and Societal Effect
        Rahul Bhale, Robert U. Ashford, R. Lor Randall
    Pages 3-13

Biology of Metastases and Tissue of Origin Considerations

    Front Matter
    Pages 15-15
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    Mechanisms Underlying Osteolytic and Osteoblastic Bone Metastases
        Gabriela G. Loots, Theresa A. Guise
    Pages 17-35
    Tissue Engineered Models to Study Bone Metastasis and Metastatic Bone Disease
        Sabrina Mierswa, Gabriel Santamaria, J. Kent Leach
    Pages 37-51
    Biology of Bone Cancer Pain
        Andrew F. Ormseth, Denis R. Clohisy
    Pages 53-61
    Breast Cancer Bone Metastases
        Mili Arora, Helen K. Chew
    Pages 63-71
    Prostate Cancer Bone Metastases
        Eric Granowicz, Rashmi Verma
    Pages 73-83
    Metastatic Primary Lung Cancer
        Devon Anderson, David T. Cooke
    Pages 85-90
    Metastatic Bone Disease in Kidney Cancer
        Manolis Pratsinis, Christopher P. Evans, Mamta Parikh
    Pages 91-102
    Thyroid Cancer Bone Metastasis
        Elie Klam, Dev Abraham, Arnaud F. Bewley
    Pages 103-108
    Introduction to Multiple Myeloma and Multiple Myeloma Bone Disease
        Naseem Shams Esteghamat, Mehrdad Abedi
    Pages 109-121

Work-Up for Patients with Suspected Metastatic Bone Disease

    Front Matter
    Pages 123-123
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    Evaluation of the Patient with Carcinoma of Unknown Origin Metastatic to Bone
        Lauren Zeitlinger, Steven Thorpe
    Pages 125-134
    Biopsy Considerations
        Daniel M. Lerman, Edmond O’Donnell
    Pages 135-141

Medical Therapy

    Front Matter
    Pages 143-143
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    Bisphosphonates, Denosumab, and Anabolic Agents in the Treatment of Metastatic Bone Disease
        Muhammad Umar Jawad, R. Lor Randall
    Pages 145-155
    Biotargeting in Metastatic Bone Disease
        Anna R. Cooper, Emily E. Carmody, Wakenda Tyler
    Pages 157-169

Supportive Oncology

    Front Matter
    Pages 171-171

    Supportive Oncology
        Psychosocial Considerations for Patients with Metastatic Bone Disease
            Amy Horyna, Abigail Inkster
        Pages 173-182
        Pain Management in Metastatic Bone Disease
            David J. Copenhaver, Richard Applegate
        Pages 183-193
        When Is Hospice Appropriate? The Role for Hospice in Palliating Patients with Bone Metastases
            Betty R. Ferrell
        Pages 195-199
            Gayathri Vijayakumar, Alan T. Blank, Amy M. Cizik
        Pages 201-207
    Radiation Oncology
        Front Matter
        Pages 209-209
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        Current and Emerging Modalities
            Shera B. Feinstein, Richard K. Valicenti, Xiao Zhao
        Pages 211-229
    Interventional Oncology
        Front Matter
        Pages 231-231
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        Ablation and Cementation Technologies
            Anthony C. Brown, Daniel M. Lerman
        Pages 233-248
    Principles of Orthopedic Surgical Oncology
        Front Matter
        Pages 249-249
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        Issues Facing the Established Metastatic Bone Disease Patient: Timing/Indications for Surgery
            George T. Calvert
        Pages 251-262
        Questions to Ask Your Medical Oncology Colleagues
            Noah Federman, Amanda Loftin, Nicholas M. Bernthal, Matthew G. Cable
        Pages 263-269
        Consideration of the Temporal Relationship Between Surgery and Radiation Therapy
            Daniel M. Lerman, Louis B. Jones
        Pages 271-277
        Role of Surgery in Oligometastatic Disease
            George T. Calvert
        Pages 279-295
    Specific Anatomic Considerations for Surgery
        Front Matter
        Pages 297-297
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        Metastatic Bone Disease: Pelvis
            Joseph K. Kendal, Vishal Hegde, Nicholas M. Bernthal
        Pages 299-310
        Metastatic Bone Disease: Femur
            Shawn L. Price
        Pages 311-323
        Metastatic Bone Disease: Femur and Tibia
            Nicholas P. Webber, Mitchell Rawson
        Pages 325-334
        Metastatic Bone Disease: Foot
            Judd E. Cummings
        Pages 335-340
        Metastatic Bone Disease: Humerus and Scapula
            Michael J. Monument, Shannon K. T. Puloski
        Pages 341-355
        Metastatic Bone Disease: Forearm and Hand
            Rashmi Agarwal, Russell Ward
        Pages 357-360

Specific Anatomic Considerations for Surgery

    Metastatic Bone Disease: Spine
        Matthew W. Colman, William Ryan Spiker
    Pages 361-383

Emergent Surgical Technologies

    Front Matter
    Pages 385-385
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    Intraoperative Imaging and Navigation
        John Groundland, John Abraham
    Pages 387-396

Putting It All Together

    Front Matter
    Pages 397-397
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    Integrative Approach with the Patient in Mind: A Glance Forward
        Muhammad Umar Jawad, R. Lor Randall
    Pages 399-401

Back Matter
Pages 403-409



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