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Low Back Pain
Mechanism, Diagnosis and Treatment
Cox, James M
116,25 €
I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.
The Seventh Edition of this textbook is built upon the peer-reviewed literature and research studies in the diagnosis and treatment of low back and radicular pain, focusing on the nonsurgical chiropractic adjusting methods. This text is the culmination of twelve years of updated research and development of spinal manipulation. From spinal stenosis to rehabilitation of low back pain patients to the latest treatise on fibromyalgia, youu2019ll find it all in Low Back Pain, Seventh Edition.
Youu2019ll find detailed discussion of:
Biomechanics of the spine involved in low back pain The neurophysiology and pathology of the intervertebral disc and neural tissues in pain production, emphasizing compressive and chemical etiology of nerve pain Both federally and non federally funded spine research reports of flexion distraction spinal biomechanics and clinical outcomes of its application Researched updated application of flexion distraction and decompression spinal manipulation for spinal stenosis, disc herniation, facet syndrome, spondylolisthesis, transitional segment, scoliosis, and mechanical back pain Research studies of Ram Gudavalli, PhD performed at Palmer and National Universities of Chiropractic in collaboration with the Loyola University Stritch School of Medicine and Hines VA hospital Sacroiliac joint update of anatomy and biomechanics of spinal manipulation Chiropractic spinal manipulation compared to medical care and surgery of back and radicular pain for clinical outcomes and cost of care Rehabilitation of the back pain patient and its necessity in clinical management Intervertebral disc classification of degeneration, herniation types and clinical significance
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Chiropractic Today in the Care Of Low Back Pain Chapter 2 Biomechanics Of The Lumbar Spine And Pelvis Chapter 3 Neurophysiology And Pathology Of The Nerve Root And Dorsal Root Ganglion Chapter 4 Spinal Stenosis Chapter 5 The Sacroiliac Joint Chapter 6 Biomechanical Research And Clinical Outcome Results On Flexion Distraction Procedures Chapter 7 Diagnosis Of The Low Back And Leg Pain Patient Chapter 8 Biomechanics, Adjustment Procedures, Ancillary Therapies, And Clinical Outcomes Of Cox Distraction Technique Chapter 9 Care Of The Intervertebral Disc Herniation And Stenosis Patient With Cox Protocols Chapter 10 Facet Syndrome Chapter 11 Spondylolisthesis Chapter 12 Transitional Segment Chapter 13 Nutritional Factors And Treatment Of Intervertebral Disc Degeneration And Osteoporosis Of Bone Chapter 14 Rehabilitation Of The Low Back Pain Patient Chapter 15 Fibromyalgia Chapter 16 Spinal Manipulation Of The Pregnant Female

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