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Functional Respiratory Disorders
Humana (Springer)
220,00 € 110,00 €
I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.
  • Teaches clinicians to empower themselves by learning how to incorporate various therapies for functional disorders into their practice, including biofeedback, breathing techniques, basic cognitive behavioral therapy techniques, and hypnosis
  • Provides practical strategies for obtaining training in these modalities are provided in the appendix
  • Written by an international group of authors

Many patients with pulmonary complaints fail to improve despite physicians’ best efforts. Sometimes, we ascribe this failure to lack of adherence with therapy, or to the severity of the condition. What we often fail to appreciate, however, is that sometimes the lack of improvement can be explained by the patients' psychological states.  The first section of Functional Respiratory Disorders: When Respiratory Symptoms Do Not Respond to Pulmonary Treatment will help clinicians recognize functional respiratory symptoms that can arise as a result of both organic and psychological causes.  The second section of this book provides detailed discussions of such disorders, links to video examples of laryngoscopic evaluation of patients with vocal cord issues, case studies and quizzes.  Examples and exercises that should strengthen the clinician’s confidence in identifying and treating these functional conditions are also provided.  Finally, the third section of the book will help the clinician differentiate the patients for whom referral to a mental health provider is mandatory from those for whom other approaches may be useful. For the latter group, the book teaches clinicians to empower themselves by learning how to incorporate various therapies for functional disorders into their practice, including biofeedback, breathing techniques, basic cognitive behavioral therapy techniques, and hypnosis. Links are provided to instructive video examples of biofeedback, hypnosis, and speech therapy.  Practical strategies for obtaining training in these modalities are provided in the appendix.  Functional Respiratory Disorders: When Respiratory Symptoms Do Not Respond to Pulmonary Treatment is an important new book that will help clinicians consider the possible impact of functional contributions to the clinical presentation of every patient with respiratory symptoms and identified respiratory disease.


Part I Recognition of Functional Respiratory Symptoms
1 What Is a Functional Respiratory Disorder? ...................................... 3
Ran D. Anbar and Howard R. Hall
2 Functional Aspects of an Organic Respiratory Disorder:
Cystic Fibrosis ........................................................................................ 19
Dewey G. Meyers and Ran D. Anbar
Part II Common Functional Respiratory and Related Conditions
3 Chest Pain ............................................................................................... 51
Dilip R. Patel
4 Dyspnea ................................................................................................... 67
Douglas N. Homnick
5 The Habit Cough Syndrome and Its Variations .................................. 89
Miles M. Weinberger
6 Vocal Cord Dysfunction ......................................................................... 105
Miles M. Weinberger and Devang R. Doshi
7 Functional Sleep Disorders ................................................................... 117
Zafer N. Soultan and Ran D. Anbar
Part III Treatment of Functional Respiratory Disorders
8 When Should a Patient Be Referred to a
Mental Health Provider? ....................................................................... 135
Brett G. Toelle, Juliet M. Foster, and Christine R. Jenkins
xii Contents
9 Basic Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Applications for
Functional Respiratory Disorders and Other Medically
Unexplained Symptoms ......................................................................... 153
Courtney E. Du Mond and David A. Johnson
10 Biofeedback Therapy for Asthma ........................................................ 179
Paul M. Lehrer
11 Breathing Techniques for Asthma
and Other Respiratory Diseases ........................................................... 207
Christine R. Jenkins
12 Hypnosis for the Treatment of Functional
Respiratory Disorders ........................................................................... 227
Ran D. Anbar
13 Speech Therapy for the Treatment of Functional
Respiratory Disorders ........................................................................... 251
Heather L. Hodges
14 Pharmacologic Therapy in Patients with Functional
Respiratory Disorders ........................................................................... 279
Charles R. Harris, Joseph F. Zastrow, and Ran D. Anbar
15 The Healing Energy of Breath in Traditional
Chinese Medicine and Other Eastern Traditions ................................ 301
Reinhild Draeger-Muenke and Maximilian Muenke
16 Mindfulness Meditation for the Treatment of Functional
Respiratory Disorders ........................................................................... 325
Adam S. Elias
Appendix ......................................................................................................... 345
Index ................................................................................................................ 351


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