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EXPERTddx: Chest
Published by Amirsys®
Stern, Gurney, Walker, Chung
256,00 €
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Like other volumes in the cutting edge EXPERTddx series, this deluxe and superbly illustrated reference book represents the latest in imaging of the chest from Amirsys, the world’s leader in medical information systems. EXPERTddx: Chest will guide radiologists toward logical, on-target differential diagnoses based on key imaging findings and clinical information—all classified anatomically—making it today’s chest imaging reference book of choice. Designed specifically with the busy practitioner in mind, the reference presents the most useful differential diagnoses of chest-related conditions. Each differential diagnosis includes at least eight clear, sharp, succinctly annotated images; a list of diagnostic possibilities sorted as common, less common, and rare but important; and brief, bulleted text offering helpful diagnostic clues. EXPERTddx: Chest presents more than 115 of the most useful differential diagnoses specific to chest-related conditions, each lavishly illustrated. With some 1,700 images and authoritative annotations, this unique reference will surely become the go-to resource in diagnosing chest conditions.
The companion online Amirsys e-Book Advantage provides hundreds of additional annotated images and references.
  • Part of the successful new series, EXPERTddx™, by the innovative medical information publisher Amirsys®
  • Written by renowned experts in radiology and chest imaging
  • Provides the most useful differential diagnoses for a specific finding
  • All differential diagnoses are ranked by prevalence as Common, Less Common, and Rare but Important
  • All findings are classified anatomically, and include generic imaging, modality-specific, and clinically based findings as well
  • Over 1,700 incredible images, illustrations, and graphics, with at least 8 beautiful images per differential
  • Text is both succinct and bulleted to present information in an accessible format
  • eBook companion offers fully searchable text and hundreds of additional images


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