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Essential Forensic Neuropathology
Troncoso, Rubio, Fowler
161,25 €
I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

This book is written for pathologists and trainees in forensic pathology and neuropathology who will have to conduct forensic neuropathology autopsies. It will provide them with the basic knowledge to conduct a thorough postmortem examination of the nervous system, describe and document the relevant pathological changes, and interpret these findings in a way that will be helpful in determining the cause and manner of death. Great importance will be placed on the objective and rigorous documentation of the pathological findings, because many of these autopsy reports will be re-examined in the context of legal inquiries and proceedings.
A companion Website will offer the fully searchable text, an image bank, and additional e-figures.

Methods in Forensic Neuropathology Juan C. Troncoso, David Fowler, and Ana Rubio
Brief Review of the Anatomy of the Head, Spine, Brain, and Spinal Cord Juan C. Troncoso
External Examination of the Head and Neck, Scalp, Skull, and Spine Ana Rubio
Basic Traumatic Injuries and Definition of Common Lesions Ana Rubio and David Fowler
Biomechanics of Injury David Fowler
Traumatic Brain Injuries and Dural Hemorrhages Juan C. Troncoso and Olga Pletnikova
Traumatic Lesions of the Brain Juan C. Troncoso and Olga Pletnikova
Brain Edema, Increased Intracranial Pressure, and Herniations Juan C. Troncoso
Projectile and Explosive Injuries of the Central Nervous System David Fowler
Vascular Diseases in Forensic Neuropathology Juan C. Troncoso
Global Vascular and Metabolic Injuries of the Brain Juan C. Troncoso
Lesions of the Spinal Cord Ana Rubio and Juan C. Troncoso
Forensic Aspects of Brain Tumors Juan C. Troncoso and Charles G. Eberhart
Sudden Death of Central Nervous System Origin in Adults Ana Rubio
Sudden Unexpected Infant Deaths Ling Li
Neuropathology of Brain Trauma in Infants and Children L.J. Dragovic
Ophthalmic Pathologic Findings in Infantile Traumatic Brain Injury J. Douglas Cameron and M. Vaughn Emerson
Infections of the Central Nervous System Ana Rubio
Diseases of Myelin Juan C. Troncoso
Neurodegenerative Diseases Juan C. Troncoso and Olga Pletnikova
Neuropathology of Elderly Abuse and Neglect Ana Rubio
Intoxications Mary Ripple, Juan C. Troncoso, Ana Rubio, and Barry Levine
New Applications of Postmortem Neuroradiology in the Forensic Investigation of Death Barry Daly and Robert Morales
Artifacts and Mimickers Juan C. Troncoso


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