Via Falloppio, 61 - PADOVA
8.30-12.30 / 15.00-19.00
Sabato pomeriggio chiuso
Libreria medica internazionale
0,00 €
Epidemiology: Principles and Practical Guidelines
Van den Broeck, Brestoff
150,00 €
I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.
  • lllumination of each step of the research process demystifies practical aspects of producing scientific evidence
  • A step-by-step approach allows readers to develop, implement, interpret, and report epidemiological research
  • Integration of theory, practice, and ethics prepares readers to become conscientious researchers
  • Discussions of contemporary approaches and topics alongside emerging paradigm shifts situates readers at the forefront of epidemiological research

This textbook presents epidemiology in a practical manner, contextualized with discussions of theory and ethics, so that students and professionals from all academic backgrounds may develop a deep appreciation for how to conduct and interpret epidemiological research. Readers will develop skills to:

·         Search for and appraise literature critically

·         Develop important research questions

·         Design, plan, and implement studies to address those questions

·         Develop proposals to obtain funding

·         Perform and interpret fundamental statistical estimations,           tests,and models

·         Consider the ethical implications of all stages of research

·         Report findings in publications

·         Advocate for change in the public health setting

Epidemiology is and will remain a discipline in motion, and this textbook aims at reflecting this dynamism and keeping pace with its momentum. This textbook is not only a classroom tool with high utility but also an essential reference and guide for those engaging in research involving human subjects.


Table of contents


Part I Introduction

1 Definition and Scope of Epidemiology

2 Basic Concepts in Epidemiology

3 Roots and Future of Epidemiology

Part II Study Design

4 General Study Objectives

5 The Specific Aims

6 General Study Designs

7 Study Size Planning

8 Sponsoring and Stakeholder Involvement

9 The Recruitment and Enrollment Plan

10 The Measurement Plan

11 The Quality Assurance and Control Plan

12 The Data Management Plan

13 The Analysis Plan

14 Ethics Support

Part III  Study Conduct

15 Training and Study Preparations

16 Managing the Informed Consent Process

17 Accrual, Retention and Adherence

18 Questionnaires

19 Maintaining Data Integrity

20 Data Cleaning

21 Good Clinical Practice

Part IV:  Study Analysis

22 Statistical Estimation

23 Statistical Testing

24 Statistical Modeling

25 Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses

26 The Ethics of Study Analysis

Part V Study Reporting

27 Interpretation of Findings

28 Scientific Writing

29 Reporting Data Quality

30 Dissemination to Stakeholders

31 The Ethics of Study Reporting


Subject Index



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