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Diagnosis & Treatment of Uveitis
Foster, Vitale
162,00 €
I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

Uveitis is inflammation of the middle layer of the eye, which is known as the uvea or uveal tract. It is a complex condition with a variety of causes and clinical manifestations, including injury, infection or an underlying condition.

This 1200pp second edition brings ophthalmologists fully up to date with the latest developments in diagnosing and treating uveitis. Beginning with the basic principles of the disease, its diagnosis and management, the following sections discuss the treatment of numerous different infectious, non infectious, masquerade and autoimmune syndromes. Basic science, differential diagnosis, pathology and clinical management are discussed for each condition.

Written by specialists from the Massachusetts Eye Research and Surgery Institution (MERSI) and John A Moran Eye Center in the USA, this comprehensive new edition includes 699 colour images and illustrations.

Key points

  • Comprehensive, second edition bringing ophthalmologists fully up to date with diagnosis and treatment of uveitis
  • Discusses different uveitis syndromes – infectious, non infectious, masquerade and autoimmune
  • Authored by US ophthalmic specialists
  • Includes 699 full colour images and illustrations
  • First edition published in 2001 by Saunders

Author information

C Stephen Foster MD FACS FACR
Massachusetts Eye Research and Surgery Institution (MERSI), Cambridge, MA, USA

Albert T Vitale MD
John A Moran Eye Center & Redwood Health Center, Salt Lake City, USA


1. Introduction 3
C Stephen Foster
2. The Uvea: Anatomy, Histology and Embryology 5
C Stephen Foster, Nicolette Gion
Uveal Tract 5
Iris 6
Ciliary Body 10
Choroid 14
3. Definition, Classification, Etiology and
Epidemiology 20
Shawkat Shafik Michel, C Stephen Foster
Definition 20
Classification 23
Epidemiology 25
4. General Principles and Philosophy 33
C Stephen Foster
The Problem 33
Philosophy 34
Biologic Response Modifiers 39
Other Matters 42
5. Basic Immunology 44
C Stephen Foster, Ana M Suelves
Cells of the Immune System 44
Ontogeny of the Immune System 52
Immune Response 55
Expression of Immunity 57
Summary 58
B Lymphocyte Responses 58
T Lymphocyte Responses 66
Immune-mediated Tissue Injury 71
Summary 80
Regulation of Immune Responses 81
Corneal Transplantation Immunology 89
6. Diagnosis of Uveitis 101
Louis J Chorich III, Dino D Klisovic,
C Stephen Foster
The Problem 101
The Confusion 102
The Frustration 102
A Systematic Approach to Establish a Diagnosis 104
Diagnostic Approach to the Uveitis Patient 113
Laboratory Evaluation 118
Differential Diagnosis 119
Appendix A 123
Appendix B 129
7. Imaging Studies for Uveitis 131
IIknur Tugal-Tutkun, Sumru Onal, C Stephen Foster
Ocular Imaging Modalities 131
Diagnostic Imaging Studies for Inflammatory Systemic
Diseases with Eye Manifestations 166
Case Presentations of Common Systemic Diseases that
can Cause Ocular Inflammation 170
8. Treatment of Uveitis—An Overview 192
Albert T Vitale, C Stephen Foster
9. Corticosteroids 194
Albert T Vitale, Julia P Shulman, C Stephen Foster
Official Drug Name and Chemistry 194
Pharmacology 195
Pharmaceutics 197
Pharmacokinetics, Concentration-effect Relationship
and Metabolism 200
Therapeutic Use 203
Adverse Effects and Toxicity 207
Drug Interactions 209
Major Clinical Trials 209
10. Mydriatic and Cycloplegic Agents 215
Albert T Vitale, C Stephen Foster
History and Source 215
Official Drug Name and Chemistry 215
Pharmacology 216
Clinical Pharmacology 217
Pharmaceutics 218
Pharmacokinetics and Metabolism 219
Therapeutic Use 219
Side Effects and Toxicity 220
High-Risk Groups 221
Drug Interactions 222
Major Clinical Trials 222
11. Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs 225
Albert T Vitale, Hassan Al-Dhibi, C Stephen Foster
Introduction, History and Source 225
Official Drug Name and Chemistry 225
Pharmacology 227
Clinical Pharmacology 228
Pharmaceutics 228
Pharmacokinetics 228
Therapeutic Use 229
Side Effects and Toxicity 232
High-Risk Groups 233
Drug Interactions 234
Major Clinical Trials 234
12. Immunosuppressive Chemotherapy 238
C Stephen Foster, Albert T Vitale
General Considerations 238
Cytotoxic Immunosuppressive Drugs 241
Noncytotoxic Immunosuppressive Drugs 254
xxiv Diagnosis and Treatment of Uveitis
13. Diagnostic Surgery 295
E Mitchel Opremcak, Albert T Vitale, C Stephen Foster
Paracentesis 295
Vitrectomy 296
Retinal Biopsy 298
Chorioretinal Biopsy 301
14. Therapeutic Vitreoretinal Surgery 304
Albert T Vitale, E Mitchel Opremcak, C Stephen Foster
Indications 304
Perioperative Management 304
Technique 305
Media Opacity 306
Inflammatory Control 307
Cystoid Macular Edema 311
Structural Complications 312
Retinal Detachment 312
Epiretinal Membrane 314
Hypotony 314
Retinal and Choroidal Neovascularization 314
Sustained Drug Delivery 317
15. Clinical Trials and Evidence-Based Medicine
in the Medical Management of Uveitis 322
Nicole Pritz, David S Chu
Azathioprine 323
Methotrexate 325
Mycophenolate Mofetil 325
Cyclosporine 326
Tacrolimus 326
Cyclophosphamide 326
Chlorambucil 327
Biologics 327
Infliximab 327
Etanercept 328
Adalimumab 328
Daclizumab 328
Interferon-Alpha 328
Intravitreal Implants 329
16. Syphilis 337
John Mauro, C Michael Samson, C Stephen Foster
Definition 337
History 337
Epidemiology 337
Clinical Presentation of Syphilis 338
Pathology and Pathogenesis 340
Diagnostic Tests 341
Treatment 342
Syphilis in Patients with HIV Infection 343
Complications 343
Prognosis 344
17. Borreliosis 346
John C Baer
Lyme Borreliosis 346
Definition 346
History 346
Epidemiology 346
Clinical Characteristics of Systemic Disease 347
Clinical Characteristics of Ocular Disease 349
Pathogenesis 351
Diagnosis 353
Prevention 355
Treatment 355
Prognosis 356
Complications 356
Coinfection 358
Summary 359
Relapsing Fever 359
Definition 359
Epidemiology 359
Clinical Characteristics 360
Pathogenesis 360
Diagnosis 360
Treatment 360
Summary 360
18. Bartonella 365
Louis J Chorich III
Definition 365
History 365
Epidemiology 365
Clinical Features 366
Pathogenesis and Immunology 368
Diagnosis 368
Treatment 369
Differential Diagnosis 369
19. Tuberculosis 372
Olivia L Lee, C Michael Samson, C Stephen Foster
Definition 372
History 372
Epidemiology 373
Clinical Presentation 373
Pathology 375
Pathogenesis 375
Diagnostic Tests 376
Treatment 379
Complications 380
Tuberculosis and HIV 380
Prognosis 381
Summary 381
20. Leptospirosis 385
Rajiv Shah
Definition and History 385
Epidemiology 385
Clinical Characteristics 386
Pathogenesis 388
Laboratory Diagnosis 388
Differential Diagnosis 389
Treatment 389
Prognosis 390
21. Brucellosis 392
Albert T Vitale
Definition 392
History 392
Etiology 392
Epidemiology 392
Molecular Genetics, Pathology and Immunology 393
Clinical Features 394
Diagnosis 397
Treatment 398
Prognosis 399
Prevention 399
Contents xxv
22. Ocular Whipple’s Disease 403
C Stephen Foster
Definition 403
History 403
Epidemiology 403
Etiology 404
Pathology 404
Immunology 404
Clinical Characteristics 406
Diagnosis 409
Differential Diagnosis 410
Treatment 410
23. Rickettsial Diseases 415
Nicolas Molina-Prat
Microbiology 415
Ticks-Rickettsiae Relationships 416
Epidemiology 417
Rickettsiae Pathogenicity 417
Pathogenic Mechanisms 418
Clinical Characteristics 418
Diagnosis 421
Treatment 421
Prognosis 421
24. Ocular Leprosy 424
Elisabeth M Messmer
Definition 424
History 424
Epidemiology 425
Clinical Characteristics 426
Ocular Histopathology 429
Pathogenesis and Immunology 429
Diagnosis 430
Differential Diagnosis 430
Treatment 431
25. Herpesviruses 437
María José Capella, C Stephen Foster
Introduction and Virology 437
Herpes Simplex Virus and Varicella Zoster Virus 437
Epstein-Barr Virus 445
Cytomegalovirus 446
26. Emergent Viral Infections 461
Moncef Khairallah, Salim Ben Yahia,
Imen Khairallah-Ksiaa
West Nile Virus Infection 461
Dengue Fever 466
Chikungunya 469
Summary 472
27. Rift Valley Fever 475
Ramzi K Hemady, Aaron L Sobol, Gayatri S Reilly
Definition 475
History 475
Epidemiology 475
Pathogenesis 475
Clinical Characteristics 476
Pathology 477
Diagnosis 477
Differential Diagnosis 477
Treatment 478
28. Measles 479
Erik Letko, C Stephen Foster
Definition 479
History 479
Congenital Measles 479
Acquired Measles 480
Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis 482
29. Rubella 486
Erik Letko, C Stephen Foster
Definition 486
History 486
Congenital Rubella 486
Acquired Rubella 489
30. Presumed Ocular Histoplasmosis Syndrome 492
Gurinder Singh, Malika G Singh
Definition 492
History 492
Mycology 493
Epidemiology 493
Clinical Characteristics 494
Pathogenesis/Pathophysiology/Immunology/Pathology 497
Diagnosis 499
Differential Diagnosis 500
Treatment 501
Complications 506
Prognosis 506
31. Candidiasis 512
Elisabeth M Messmer
Definition 512
History 512
Epidemiology 512
Clinical Characteristics 513
Complications 515
Pathogenesis/Histopathology/Immunology 515
Diagnosis 516
Differential Diagnosis 517
Treatment 517
Prognosis 520
32. Coccidioidomycosis 526
Richard R Tamesis
Definition 526
History 526
Epidemiology 526
Clinical Characteristics 527
Pathophysiology/Immunology/Pathology/Pathogenesis 527
Diagnosis 527
Treatment 528
Complications 529
Prognosis 529
33. Cryptococcosis 531
Julia P Shulman, Albert T Vitale
Epidemiology 531
Pathogenesis 531
Clinical Presentation 532
Diagnosis 533
Differential Diagnosis 533
Treatment 534
Prognosis 534
Summary 534
xxvi Diagnosis and Treatment of Uveitis
34. Sporotrichosis 536
Manolette Rangel Roque, C Stephen Foster
Definition 536
History 536
Epidemiology 536
Mycology 536
Clinical Characteristics 536
Pathology 539
Diagnosis 539
Differential Diagnosis 540
Treatment 540
Prognosis 540
35. Toxoplasmosis 543
Fernando Oréfice, Daniel Vítor Vasconcelos-Santos,
Cynthia Azeredo Cordeiro, Juliana Lambert Oréfice,
Rogério Alves Costa
Introduction/Definition 543
History 543
Epidemiology 544
Clinical Presentation 545
Pathogenesis 551
Pathology 554
Diagnosis 555
Diagnostic Approach to Ocular Toxoplasmosis 557
Differential Diagnosis 559
Therapy 560
Complications 563
Prognosis 564
Prevention 564
Summary 564
36. Other Vector-Borne Parasitic Infections 569
Mozhgan Rezaei Kanavi, Masoud Soheilian
Ocular Leishmaniasis 569
Ocular Malaria 573
Seasonal Hyperacute Panuveitis 576
37. Free-Living Amebas and Amebiasis 579
Jesús Merayo-Lloves, Albert T Vitale
Definition 579
History and Microbiology 579
Epidemiology 580
Pathogenesis and Pathology 580
Clinical Features 581
Diagnosis 582
Treatment 583
Prevention 584
Prognosis 584
38. Giardia Lamblia 587
Ron Neumann
Definition 587
Epidemiology 587
The Organism 587
Pathogenicity 587
Clinical Manifestations 588
Diagnosis 588
Treatment 588
Giardia and the Eye 588
39. Trypanosomiasis 591
Luis Alonso Gonzalez-Gonzalez, Tomas Padilla Jr
Definition 591
History 591
Epidemiology 592
Clinical Characteristics 593
Pathology 595
Diagnosis 596
Treatment 597
40. Pneumocystosis 602
Isabelle Cochereau, Thanh Hoang-Xuan
History/Definition 602
Epidemiology 602
Etiopathogenesis 602
Pathology 603
Clinical Features 603
Diagnosis 604
Differential Diagnosis 604
Treatment 604
Summary 604
41. Ocular Toxocariasis 606
C Stephen Foster
Definition 606
Etiology 606
Clinical Manifestations 607
History 607
Epidemiology 608
Immunopathology 609
Clinical Variations 610
Complications 611
Diagnosis 611
Differential Diagnosis 612
Treatment 613
Prognosis 614
42. Ascariasis 617
Virender S Sangwan
Definition 617
History 617
Epidemiology 617
Clinical Characteristics 617
Pathophysiology, Immunology, Pathology and
Pathogenesis 619
Diagnosis 621
Treatment 621
Complications 622
43. Onchocerciasis 625
Martin Filipec
Definition 625
History 625
Epidemiology 626
Clinical Features 628
Complications 633
Etiology 633
Pathogenesis and Pathology 634
Diagnosis 636
Differential Diagnosis 637
Treatment and Control 637
Natural History and Prognosis 640
44. Loiasis 648
Yosuf El-Shabrawi
Definition 648
History 648
Epidemiology 648
Life History 649
Morphology 649
Immunological Responses 649
Contents xxvii
Clinical Features 649
Diagnosis 651
Treatment 652
Prevention and Chemoprophylaxis 653
45. Cysticercosis 656
Lama Mulki, C Stephen Foster
Background 656
History 656
Epidemiology 657
Clinical Features 657
Physical Findings 658
Pathogenesis and Pathology 658
Diagnosis 659
Differential Diagnosis 660
Treatment 660
Complications and Challenges 662
Prognosis 662
46. Diffuse Unilateral Subacute Neuroretinitis 665
Neal P Barney
Definition 665
History 665
Epidemiology 665
Clinical Characteristics 666
Pathophysiology 667
Diagnosis 668
Treatment 668
Complications 669
Prognosis 669
47. Schistosomiasis 671
Daniel Vítor Vasconcelos-Santos, Fernando Oréfice,
Juliana Lambert Oréfice, José Eymard Homem Pittella
Introduction/Definition 671
History 672
Epidemiology 672
Clinical Presentation 672
Pathogenesis/Etiology 673
Immunopathology 675
Diagnosis 676
Treatment 676
Complications 676
Summary 676
48. Ophthalmomyiasis 678
E Mitchel Opremcak
Definition 678
History 678
Epidemiology 678
Clinical Characteristics 679
Pathogenesis 679
Diagnosis 680
Treatment 680
Complications 680
Prognosis 680
49. Ophthalmia Nodosa 682
Cheryl Arcinue
Definition 682
History 682
Epidemiology 682
Clinical Characteristics 683
Pathogenesis and Pathology 685
Diagnosis 685
Treatment 686
Complications 686
Prognosis 686
50. Human Immunodeficiency Virus- 688
Associated Uveitis
Khayyam Durrani, Isabelle Cochereau,
Thanh Hoang-Xuan
Changing Patterns of Uveitis in HIV Infection 688
HIV Retinopathy 690
CMV Retinitis 690
Immune Recovery Uveitis 693
Ocular Toxoplasmosis 693
Progressive Outer Retinal Necrosis and
Acute Retinal Necrosis 694
Pneumocystosis 694
Tuberculosis 695
Cryptococcosis 695
Other Opportunistic Infections 695
Syphilis 696
Intraocular Lymphoma 696
Drug-Associated Uveitis 697
Summary 698
51. Masquerade Syndromes: Malignancies 705
Nadia Khalida Waheed, C Stephen Foster
Intraocular-Central Nervous System Lymphoma 705
Leukemias 710
Malignant Melanoma 714
Retinoblastoma 718
Metastasis 722
Paraneoplastic Syndromes 725
52. Masquerade Syndromes: Endophthalmitis 736
Vicente Diaz, C Michael Samson, C Stephen Foster
Chronic Postoperative Endophthalmitis 736
Endogenous Endophthalmitis 741
53. Nonmalignant, Noninfectious 750
Masquerade Syndromes
Katrina Palafox, C Stephen Foster
Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment 750
Retinitis Pigmentosa 755
Intraocular Foreign Body 761
Pigment Dispersion 765
Juvenile Xanthogranuloma 769
54. Seronegative Spondyloarthropathies 793
Maite Sainz de la Maza
Ankylosing Spondylitis 793
Reactive Arthritis 797
Psoriatic Arthritis 800
Enteropathic Arthritis 802
Juvenile-onset Spondiloarthropathies 806
xxviii Diagnosis and Treatment of Uveitis
55. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus 814
Harvey Siy Uy, Pik Sha Chan
Definition 814
History 814
Epidemiology 814
Clinical Characteristics 815
Pathophysiology 820
Diagnosis 821
Treatment 821
Prognosis 822
56. Scleroderma 826
Avni Shah, Anthony Ekong, David S Chu,
C Stephen Foster
Definition 826
History 826
Epidemiology 827
Clinical Characteristics: Systemic 827
Clinical Characteristics: Ocular 829
Pathophysiology, Immunology, Pathology and
Pathogenesis 831
Diagnosis 832
Treatment 832
Prognosis 833
57. Giant Cell Arteritis 836
Sana S Siddique, C Stephen Foster
Definition 836
History 836
Epidemiology 836
Clinical Manifestations 837
Pathology 840
Immunology and Pathogenesis 841
Diagnosis 843
Treatment 846
Prognosis 848
58. Adamantiades-Behçet’s Disease 858
Panayotis Zafirakis, C Stephen Foster
Definition 858
History 858
Epidemiology 858
Clinical Features 859
Adamantiades-Behçet’s Disease in Children 865
Adamantiades-Behçet’s Disease in Pregnancy 865
Pathogenesis and Immunology 866
Pathology 868
Diagnosis 868
Differential Diagnosis 869
Treatment 870
Case Report 1 876
Case Report 2 877
Management of Ocular Complications 877
Prognosis for Vision 878
59. Polyarteritis Nodosa 887
Masoud Soheilian, Alireza Ramezani
Definition 887
History and Classification 887
Epidemiology 887
Clinical Characteristics 888
Pathogenesis and Etiology 891
Pathology 891
Diagnosis 891
Differential Diagnosis 892
Treatment 892
Prognosis 893
60. Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis (Wegener’s) 898
Sarkis H Soukiasian
Definition 898
History 898
Epidemiology 899
Clinical Characteristics 900
Pathogenesis/Immunopathology 904
Pathology 905
Diagnosis 906
Treatment 909
Prognosis 910
61. Polychondritis 917
Ester Carreño, C Stephen Foster
Introduction and Definition 917
Epidemiology 917
Etiology/Pathophysiology 917
Histopathology 918
Systemic Manifestations 918
Ocular Findings 919
Diagnosis 920
Treatment 921
Prognosis 922
62. Fuchs’ Heterochromic Iridocyclitis 925
Charalambos Livir-Rallatos, Panayotis Zafirakis
Definition 925
History 925
Epidemiology 925
Clinical Manifestations and Complications 926
Pathology 928
Etiology and Pathogenesis 928
Diagnosis 930
Treatment and Prognosis 931
63. Multiple Sclerosis 935
Stephen D Anesi, Nikos N Markomichelakis
Definition 935
History 935
Epidemiology 935
Clinical Features 936
Complications 937
Etiology 938
Pathophysiology 939
Diagnosis 940
Differential Diagnosis 942
Natural Course and Prognosis 943
Therapy 943
64. Sarcoidosis 951
María José Capella, C Stephen Foster
Definition and History 951
Epidemiology 951
Clinical Features 952
Sarcoidosis in Childhood 957
Histology 958
Etiology and Pathogenesis 959
Contents xxix
Laboratory Findings and Ancillary Testing 960
Diagnosis 965
Treatment 967
Complications 967
Prognosis 968
65. Tubulointerstitial Nephritis and
Uveitis Syndrome 973
Olga Cerón, C Stephen Foster
Definition 973
History 973
Epidemiology 973
Clinical Features 974
Pathology, Immunology and Pathogenesis 975
Diagnosis and Differential Diagnosis 976
Treatment and Prognosis 978
66. Birdshot Retinochoroidopathy 982
Albert T Vitale
Definition 982
History 982
Epidemiology 982
Clinical Features 983
Complications 986
Etiology and Pathogenesis 987
Pathology 989
Diagnosis 989
Differential Diagnosis 995
Treatment 996
Natural History and Prognosis 999
67. Sympathetic Ophthalmia 1005
Sorcha Ni Dhubhghaill, William J Power
Definition 1005
History 1005
Incidence and Epidemiology 1005
Clinical Features 1006
Pathology and Pathogenesis 1007
Etiology 1008
Differential Diagnosis 1009
Prevention and Management 1010
Prognosis 1011
68. Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada Disease 1013
Nattaporn Tesavibul
Definition and History 1013
Epidemiology 1013
Clinical Manifestations 1013
Extraocular Manifestations 1015
Etiology and Pathogenesis 1017
Histopathology 1018
Genetic Factors 1019
Diagnosis 1019
Investigations 1019
Differential Diagnosis 1024
Treatment 1024
Complications 1025
Prognosis 1027
69. Multifocal Choroiditis and Panuveitis 1033
Albert T Vitale, Akbar Shakoor
Definition 1033
History 1033
Epidemiology 1034
Clinical Characteristics 1034
Course and Complications 1036
Diagnosis 1036
Differential Diagnosis 1040
Etiopathogenesis 1041
Treatment 1043
Prognosis 1046
70. Multiple Evanescent White Dot Syndrome 1049
Harvey Siy Uy, Pik Sha Chan
Definition 1049
History and Epidemiology 1049
Clinical Characteristics 1049
Pathogenesis 1050
Diagnosis 1051
Differential Diagnosis 1053
Treatment 1054
Summary 1054
71. Acute Posterior Multifocal Placoid 1056
Pigment Epitheliopathy
Miguel Pedroza-Seres, Albert T Vitale
Definition 1056
History 1056
Epidemiology 1056
Clinical Characteristics 1057
Pathophysiology/Immunology/Pathology 1061
Pathogenesis 1063
Diagnosis 1064
Differential Diagnosis 1064
Treatment 1065
72. Acute Retinal Pigment Epitheliitis 1067
Benalexander A Pedro
Definition 1067
History 1067
Epidemiology 1067
Clinical Features 1067
Complications 1068
Etiology, Pathology and Pathogenesis 1068
Diagnosis 1069
Differential Diagnosis 1070
Treatment 1072
Natural History and Prognosis 1072
73. Serpiginous Choroiditis 1077
Alejandro Rodriguez-Garcia
Definition 1077
History 1077
Epidemiology 1078
Clinical Characteristics 1078
Pathogenesis/Immunology/Pathology 1080
Diagnosis 1081
Differential Diagnosis 1083
Treatment 1084
Complications 1086
Prognosis 1087
74. Subretinal Fibrosis and Uveitis Syndrome 1090
Blanca Rojas
Definition 1090
History 1090
Epidemiology 1091
xxx Diagnosis and Treatment of Uveitis
Clinical Features 1091
Histopathology 1092
Pathogenesis 1094
Diagnosis 1095
Other Diseases with Subretinal Fibrosis 1096
Differential Diagnosis 1097
Treatment 1100
Prognosis and Evolution 1100
75. Punctate Inner Choroidopathy 1104
Roomasa Channa, Millena Bittencourt,
Mohamed A Ibrahim, Yasir Jamal Sepah,
Peykan Turkcuoglu, Diana V Do,
Quan Dong Nguyen
Definition 1104
History 1104
Epidemiology 1105
Clinical Characteristics 1105
Pathophysiology 1107
Histopathology 1108
Diagnosis 1108
Imaging Modalities 1109
Treatment 1112
Prognosis 1113
76. Acute Zonal Occult Outer Retinopathy 1116
Paul Yang, Albert T Vitale
Definition 1116
History 1116
Epidemiology 1117
Clinical Presentation 1118
Pathogenesis/Etiology 1118
Pathology 1120
Diagnosis/Diagnostic Testing 1120
Differential Diagnosis 1124
Treatment 1125
Complications 1126
Natural History and Prognosis 1127
Summary 1127
77. Lens-Induced Uveitis 1130
Shawkat Shafik Michel, C Stephen Foster
Definition 1130
History 1130
Epidemiology 1131
Etiology and Pathogenesis 1131
Pathology 1131
Clinical Features 1131
Diagnosis 1132
Differential Diagnosis 1133
Treatment 1133
Complications 1135
78. Retinal Vasculitis 1136
William Ayliffe
Definition 1136
History 1137
Epidemiology 1138
Clinical Characteristics 1138
Disorders Associated with Retinal Vasculitis 1140
Complications 1152
Pathophysiology 1153
Treatment 1156
Prognosis 1160
79. Intermediate Uveitis 1169
Manfred Zierhut, Christoph Deuter,
Albert T Vitale, C Stephen Foster
Definition 1169
History 1169
Epidemiology 1169
Clinical Features 1170
Complications 1171
Etiology 1172
Pathogenesis and Pathology 1173
Diagnosis 1174
Differential Diagnosis 1175
Treatment 1178
Natural History and Prognosis 1182
80. Medication-Induced Uveitis 1191
Alejandro Portero, Margarita Calonge
Definition 1191
History 1191
Epidemiology 1191
Etiology 1193
Pathogenesis 1194
Clinical Characteristics 1195
Diagnosis 1205
Treatment 1206
Prognosis 1206
81. Pediatric Uveitis 1214
Leila I Kump, Albert T Vitale, C Stephen Foster
Epidemiology 1214
Complications 1215
Visual Outcomes 1217
Various Uveitic Disorders in Children 1219
Impact of Uveitis on the Quality of Life of Children 1242
82. Pregnancy and Uveitis 1254
Albert T Vitale, Leila I Kump, Rachael S Jacoby
Immunologic Aspects of Pregnancy 1254
Systemic Autoimmune Disease in Pregnancy 1256
Various Uveitic Disorders and Pregnancy 1257
Treatment with Medications in Pregnancy 1258
Summary 1261
83. Traumatic Uveitis 1266
Yasir Jamal Sepah, Abeer Akhtar,
Matthew Shulman, Quan Dong Nguyen
Postsurgical Uveitis 1266
Post-traumatic Uveitis 1267
Lens-Induced Uveitis 1270
Laser-Induced Uveitis 1271
Pathogenesis and Pathology 1271
Treatment 1272
Index 1277


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