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This book, written by leading clinicians and scientists, focuses on recent clinically relevant advances in the diagnosis and treatment of corneal disorders. After an opening chapter considering the latest knowledge on the heredity of keratoconus, important advances in corneal imaging are discussed, in particular the use of optical coherence tomography and in vivo confocal microscopy for evaluation of the normal and the diseased cornea. Antiangiogenic treatment options are then reviewed, and new aspects in the diagnosis and therapy of mycobacterial keratitis explained. Further chapters address the storage of donor cornea for penetrating and lamellar keratoplasty and the keratoplasty in infants. The book closes by discussing new developments in antibacterial chemotherapy for bacterial keratitis.
1 New Aspects in the Diagnosis and Therapy
of Mycobacterial Keratitis ...................................................................... 1
Darlene Miller, Dalia Girgis, Carol Karp,
and Eduardo C. Alfonso
2 New Developments in Antibacterial Chemotherapy
for Bacterial Keratitis ............................................................................. 19
H. Sueke, J. Shankar, T.J. Neal, M. Horsburgh,
R. Gilbert, and Stephen B. Kaye
3 Heredity of Keratoconus ......................................................................... 37
Colin E. Willoughby and Judith Lechner
4 Advance in Corneal Imaging.................................................................. 53
Antoine Labbé, Alexandre Denoyer,
and Christophe Baudouin
5 Antiangiogenic Treatment Options in the Cornea ............................... 71
Claus Cursiefen and Felix Bock
6 Storage of Donor Cornea for Penetrating
and Lamellar Transplantation ............................................................... 91
Elisabeth Pels and Graeme Pollock
7 Infant Keratoplasty ................................................................................. 107
Peter Kim and David S. Rootman
Index ................................................................................................................. 123
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