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Core Topics in Endocrinology in Anaesthesia and Critical Care
Hall, Hunter, Cooper
Cambridge University Press
60,00 €
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Core Topics in Endocrinology in Anesthesia and Critical Care provides a comprehensive, practical overview of the perioperative management of patients with endocrine disorders, giving clear diagnostic advice and management guidelines. This book considers the management of patients with endocrine disorders of the pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid and adrenal glands, including rarer disorders such as MEN syndrome. It then considers all aspects of the perioperative management of diabetic patients, including paediatric, obstetric and ambulatory patients. Finally it discusses endocrine disorders in the critically ill patient, covering such issues as the topical conundrum of glucose control and the management of diabetic metabolic acidosis, thyroid storm and myxoedema coma. Every chapter reviews the relevant anatomy and pathophysiology and the latest developments in defining the genetic causes are also considered where appropriate. Core Topics in Endocrinology in Anesthesia and Critical Care is an invaluable tool for all anaesthetists and intensivists in their daily clinical practice.

• Comprehensive guidance on the perioperative management of all diabetic patients
• Discusses anesthetic management of a wide range of endocrine disorders, both common and rare
• A unique section reviews endocrine disorders in the critically ill patient, providing clear guidance for intensivists


1. Anaesthesia for patients with pituitary disease Paul G. Murphy
2. Thyroid P. A. Farling
3. Parathyroid disease P. R. Michael, J. K. Beattie and J. M. Hunter
4. Adrenal disease – cortex and medulla Charles S. Reilly
5. Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumours including carcinoid C. J. R. Parker
6. Multiple endocrine neoplasia Saffron Whitehead
7. Diabetes: aetiology and pathophysiology George M. Hall
8. Drugs used in diabetes mellitus Grainne Nicholson
9. Management of diabetes in surgical inpatients George M. Hall
10. The management of diabetes in obstetric patients Neville Robinson and David Vaughan
11. Management of diabetes in paediatric surgery Ann E. Black and Angus McEwan
12. Management of diabetes in ambulatory surgery Heidi Robertshaw
13. The endocrine response to critical illness Steve Ball and Simon Baudouin
14. Tight glucose control using intensive insulin therapy in the critically ill Mark E. Seubert, Saheed Kahn and A. B. Johan Groeneveld
15. Glucocorticoids in the critically ill P. M. O'Neil and N. R. Webster
16. Diabetic hyperglycaemic crises Barbara Philips
17. Thyroid dysfunction and critical care B. Mullan
18. Disorders of sodium balance Martin Smith


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