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Libreria medica internazionale
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Clinical Interventional Oncology
Kee, Madoff, Murthy
136,00 €
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Adhere to best practices and achieve best outcomes with Clinical Interventional Oncology! Loosely structured around the concept of a "tumor board," this groundbreaking oncology reference delivers a comprehensive arsenal of information on the techniques and treatment protocols surrounding chemoembolizations, tumor ablations, minimally invasive tumor biopsies, and other interventional oncologic procedures. Ideal for all members of the cancer care team, it provides the "how to" guidance you need on the clinical, evidence-based application of each interventional procedure.

Author Info
By Stephen T Kee, MD, FSIR, Professor of Radiology, Chief, Interventional Radiology, UCLA Health Sciences, Los Angeles, California ; David C Madoff, MD, Professor of Radiology, Chief, Division of Interventional Radiology, New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center, New York, New York and Ravi Murthy, MD, FACP, Professor of Radiology, Interventional Radiology Section, Division of Diagnostic Imaging, University of Texas, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas


Table of Contents:

Introduction: The Role of Interventional Oncology in Modern Cancer Care

Part 1. Principles of Locoregional Therapy

1. Principles Of Embolization

2. Principles of Percutaneous Ablative Therapies

3. Principles of Isolated Regional Perfusion  

4. Principles of Radiotherapy

5. Tumor response for IGI: Assessment and Validation

6. Trends in Basic Science Research in Interventional Radiology: Nanotechnology, Stem Cell, RNAi and Radiogenomics

Bonus Expert Consult Chapter: Philosophy of Locoregional Therapies

Part 2. Gastrointestinal Oncology

7. Surgical Management of Hepatocellular Carcinoma

8. Interventional Management of Hepatocellular Carcinoma

9. Systemic Therapy in Advanced Hepatocellular Carcinoma

10. Cholangiocarcinoma: Diagnosis, Management and Prognosis

11. Percutaneous Management of Cholangiocarcinoma

12. Medical Management for Colorectal Cancer

13. Surgical Management of Hepatic Metastases

14. Interventional Management of Colorectal Liver Metastases

15. Gastroenteropancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors

16. Interventional Oncology Management of Non-Colorectal and Non-Neuroendocrine Hepatic Metastatic Disease

Part 3. Genitourinary and Gynecologic Oncology

17. Percutaneous Management of Renal Tumors

18. Interventional Treatment for Gynecologic Cancers

19. Interventional Treatment for Benign Uterine Neoplasms

20. Interventional Treatment of Prostate Cancer

Part 4. Head and Neck Oncology

21. Imaging of Head and Neck Cancer

22. Transcatheter Chemotherapy for Malignancies in the Brain, Head and Neck

23. Intracranial and Extracranial Tumors

Part 5. Thoracic Oncology

24. Primary Lung Carcinoma

25. Metastatic Lung Cancer

Part 6. Musculoskeletal Oncology

26. Percutaneous Musculoskeletal Biopsy

27. Musculoskeletal Interventions for Benign Bone Lesions

28. Ablation and Cementoplasty of Musculoskeletal Metastatic Lesions

29. Vertebroplasty and Kyphoplasty for Malignant Vertebral Fracture

29. Intra-Arterial Procedures for the Musculoskeletal System


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