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Clinical Immunology, 4th Edition
Rich, Fleisher, Shearer, Schroeder, Frew, Weyand
231,00 €
I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

Offer your patients the best possible care with clear, reliable guidance from one of the most respected and trusted resources in immunology. Authoritative answers from internationally renowned leaders in the field equip you with peerless advice and global best practices to enhance your diagnosis and management of a full range of immunologic problems.

New to this edition
  • Catch a glimpse of the future. "On the Horizon" boxes and discussion of translational research at the end of many chapters summarize especially promising research and development over the next 5 - 10 years.
  • Keep current with the latest knowledge and evidence-based practices. Comprehensive updates throughout include up-to-the-minute information on topics like atherosclerosis, recurrent fever syndromes, aging and deficiencies of innate immunity.
  • Find information quickly thanks to a user-friendly format, featuring new color-coded "Key Concepts", "Clinical Pearls", "Clinical Relevance", and "Therapeutic Principles" boxes that signpost critical information.
  • Access the fully searchable text online at, along with regular updates, downloadable images, and Board review questions ideal for certification and recertification preparation.



Author Info
Edited by Robert R. Rich, MD, Professor of Medicine and Microbiology, University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Medicine, Birmingham, AL, USA; Thomas A Fleisher, MD, FAAAAI, FACAAI, Adjunct Professor of Pediatrics, USUHA, Chief, Department of Laboratory Medicine, NIH Clinical Center, Natonal Institutes of Health, Bethesda MD, USA; William T. Shearer, MD, PhD, Professor of Pediatrics and of Pathology and Immunology, Baylor College of Medicine, Chief, Allergy and Immunology Service, Texas Children’s Hospital, Houston, TX, USA; Harry Schroeder, Professor of Medicine, Microbiology, and Genetics; Anthony J. Frew, MD, FRCP, Professor of Allergy and Respiratory Medicine, Department of Respiratory Medicine, Brighton General Hospital, Brighton, UK and Cornelia M. Weyand, MD, PhD, Professor of Medicine, Stanford University School of Medicine, Department of Medicine: Immunology and Rheumatology, Stanford, CA, USA


Table of Contents:
PART 1: Fundamental Principles of the Immune Response

1 The human immune response
2 Organization of the immune system
3 Innate immunity
4 Antigen receptor genes, gene products, and co-receptors
5 The major histocompatibility complex
6 Antigens and antigen processing
7 Antigen-presenting cells and antigen presentation
8 B-cell development and differentiation
9 T-cell development
10 Cytokines and cytokine receptors
11 Chemokines and chemokine receptors
12 Lymphocyte adhesion and trafficking
13 T-cell activation and tolerance
14 Programmed cell death in lymphocytes

PART 2: Host Defense Mechanisms and Inflammation

15 Immunoglobulin function
16 Regulatory T cells
17 Helper T-cell subsets and control of the inflammatory response
18 Cytotoxic lymphocyte function and natural killer cells
19 Host defenses at mucosal surfaces
20 Complement and complement deficiencies
21 Phagocytes and phagocyte deficiencies
22 Mast cells, basophils and mastocytosis
23 Eosinophils and eosinophilia

PART 3: Infection and Immunity

24 Immune response to extracellular bacteria
25 Immune responses to intracellular bacteria
26 Immune responses to spirochetes
27 Immune responses to viruses
28 I mmune responses to protozoans
29 Immune responses to helminths

PART 4: Immunologic Deficiencies

30 Evaluation of the immunodeficient patient
31 Infections in the immunocompromised host
32 Development of the fetal and neonatal immune system
33 Aging and the immune system
34 Primary antibody deficiencies
35 Primary T-cell immunodeficiencies
36 Inherited disorders of IFN-γ-, IFN-α/β-, and NF-κB-mediated immunity
37 HIV infection and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
38 Immunodeficiency due to congenital, metabolic, infectious,
surgical, and environmental factors

PART 5: Allergic Diseases

39 Pathogenesis of asthma
40 Management of the asthmatic patient
41 Rhinitis and sinusitus
42 Urticaria, angiodema, and anaphylaxis
43 Allergic reactions to stinging and biting insects
44 Atopic and contact dermatitis
45 Food allergy
46 Eosinophil-associated gastrointestinal disorders (EGID )
47 Allergic disorders of the eye
48 Drug hypersensitivity
49 Occupational and environmental allergic disorders

PART 6: Systemic Immune Diseases

50 Mechanisms of autoimmunity
51 S ystemic lupus erythematosus
52 Rheumatoid arthritis
53 Juvenile idiopathic arthritis
54 Sjögren’s syndrome
55 Systemic sclerosis
56 Inflammatory muscle diseases
57 Spondyloarthritis
58 Small- and medium-vessel primary vasculitis
59 Large-vessel vasculitides
60 Autoinflammatory fever syndromes
61 Antiphospholipid syndrome

PART 7: Organ Specific Inflammatory Disease

62 Immunohematologic disorders
63 Bullous diseases of the skin and mucous membranes
64 Myasthenia gravis
65 Multiple sclerosis
66 Autoimmune peripheral neuropathies
67 Immunologic renal diseases
68 Inflammation and atherothrombosis
69 Autoimmune thyroid diseases
70 Diabetes and related autoimmune diseases
71 Immunologic lung diseases
72 Sarcoidosis
73 Immunologic ocular disease
74 Immunologic disease of the gastrointesinal tract
75 Inflammatory hepatobiliary cirrhosis

PART 8: Neoplasia and the Immune System

76 Lymphoid leukemias
77 Lymphomas including Hodgkin lymphoma
78 Monoclonal gammopathies
79 Tumor immunology and immunotherapy

PART 9: Transplantation

80 Concepts and challenges in transplantation: rejection,
immunosuppression and tolerance
81 Challenges and potentials of xenotransplantation
82 Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for malignant diseases
83 Stem cell transplantation and immune reconstitution
in immunodeficiency
84 Thymic reconstitution

PART 10: Prevention and Therapy of Immunologic Diseases

85 Immunoglobulin therapy: replacement and immunomodulation
86 Gene transfer therapy of immunologic diseases
87 Glucocorticoids
88 Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
89 Antihistamines
90 Immunomodulating pharmaceuticals
91 Protein kinase antagonists as therapeutic agents for immunological
and inflammatory disorders
92 Vaccines
93 Immunotherapy of allergic disease
94 Cytokine therapy
95 Monoclonal antibodies and fusion proteins

PART 11: Diagnostic Immunology

96 Assessment of proteins of the immune system
97 Flow cytometry
98 Assessment of functional immune responses
99 Assessment of neutrophil function
100 Assessment of human allergic diseases
101 Molecular methods


1 Selected CD molecules and their characteristics
2 Laboratory reference values
3 Chemokines
4 Cytokines


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