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Libreria medica internazionale
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Clinical Asthma: Theory and Practice
Bernstein, Levy
CRC Press
102,00 €
I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.


  • A ‘bench to bedside’ approach that links basic science to the clinical management of asthma
  • A thorough review of modern evaluation and treatment methods in common and challenging asthma cases ensures the book is comprehensive in its approach
  • Case based studies bring the book into the real world of the busy asthma clinic
  • Underpinned with basic sciences and clinical decision-making, the book provides all the necessary key information in this important area of practice
  • The international editorship and carefully selected expert authorship ensures that the book will appeal to all clinicians worldwide in a truly global approach


Using a case study-based format to present common and challenging problems faced by pulmonologists and/or primary care physicians when treating patients with asthma, this book includes background information on the basic science that underpins clinical decisions and evaluations. It covers asthma in patient subpopulations, exposures to asthma, and treatment. The final discussion section reviews methods that are currently practices, highlighting where improvement could be attained. It also explores a countrywide approach to integrating asthma care.

Table of Contents

Epidemiology of Asthma (A worldwide perspective). Immunopathogenesis. Endotypes and Genetics and Asthma. Guidelines in Asthma. Assessment of Asthma Control. Diagnosis of Asthma. Differentiating Asthma from COPD. Primary Care Setting and Integrating Care Across Primary/Secondary Care Interface. Paediatric Asthma. Adolescent Asthma. Adult (mild to moderate) Asthma. Severe Acute and Life Threatening Asthma (Adults and Children). United Airways – Managing patients with Allergic Rhinitis and Asthma. Viral Infections in Asthma. Air Pollutants. Asthma and Allergens. Occupational Asthma. Anxiety/Depression and Asthma. Obesity and Asthma. Asthma in Pregnancy. Inhaler Devices. Drug Management of Mild and Moderate Asthma –Adults and Children. Adherence and Outcomes. Preventing Asthma Death – Primary Care Setting. Managing Asthma – A Country Wide Approach To Integrating Asthma Care.


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