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Clinical Application of Neuromuscular Techniques, Volume 2, 2nd Edition
Chaitow, DeLany
80,00 €
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Clinical Application of Neuromuscular Techniques, Volume 2 - The Lower Body, is a highly illustrated volume of more than 600 pages (Volume 1 - The Upper Body is also available). Almost 500 illustrations, with over 400 in two-colours, support the text throughout and make the anatomy and associated techniques easier to understand. The book covers MET (muscle energy techniques), NMT (neuromuscular techniques), PR (positional release) and many other bodywork techniques used in the treatment of neuromusculoskeletal disorders. The text has a regional, joint by joint structure, and the same sequence of headings is used for each joint, making the text easy to dip into. The unique feature of the book is that it describes the normal anatomy and physiology as well as the dysfunctions that may arise, giving a detailed evaluation and description of clinically important aspects of functional anatomy and physiology. Indications for treatments and guidance on making the appropriate treatment choice are given. Palpation methods are evaluated. The different NMT techniques are then described in relation to the joint anatomy involved, which include not only manual techniques but also acupuncture, hydrotherapies and nutritional support as well as guidance for the patient in the use of self-help approaches. Practical neuromuscular solutions are described in great detail for the treatment of somatic pain and dysfunction together with an eclectic selection of associated manual modalities.

The book discusses theories and physiology relevant to the manual treatment of chronic pain, especially as it relates to the soft tissues of the lower body. Step-by-step protocols that address each muscle of a region and a regional approach to treatment are features that make this book unique. A structural review of each region, including ligaments and functional anatomy, adds value for new students and practitioners alike.

    • Provides a comprehensive ‘one-stop’ volume on the treatment of somatic pain and dysfunction
    • Designed and written to meet the needs of those working with neuromuscular dysfunction in a variety of professions
    • All muscles covered from the perspective of assessment and treatment of myofascial pain
    • Describes normal anatomy and physiology as well as the associated dysfunction
    • Gives indications for treatments and guidance on making the appropriate treatment choice for each patient
    • Combines NMT, MET, PR and much more to give a variety of treatment options for each case
    • Describes the different NMT techniques in relation to the joint anatomy involved
    • Practical step-by-step descriptions provided to make usage easy
    • Includes acupuncture, hydrotherapies and nutritional support as well as guidance for the patient in the use of self-help approaches
    • Contains up-to-date evidence based content
New To This Edition:
  • Presents the latest research findings underpinning the practice of NMT methodology from differing areas of practice
  • Presents the increasingly refined ways of using the variety of MET methods to allow the reader to safely apply them in a variety of settings
  • New video clips on an associated DVD presents practical examples of the NMTs explored in the book


Table Of Contents:

Chapter 1 Patient Intake

Chapter 2 Posture, Acture and Balance

Chapter 3 Gait analysis

Chapter 4 The Close Environment

Chapter 5 Adaptation and Sport

Chapter 6 Contextual Influences: Nutrition and Other Factors

Chapter 7 Self-Help Strategies

Chapter 8 Clinical Reasoning: The Core of Clinical Practice

Chapter 9 Summary of Selected NMT Associated Modalities

Chapter 10 The Lumbar Spine

Chapter 11 The Pelvis

Chapter 12 The Hip

Chapter 13 The Knee

Chapter 14 The Leg and Foot



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