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ALERT • Adverse Late Effects of Cancer Treatment, Volume 2
Normal Tissue Specific Sites and Systems
Rubin, Constine, Marks
279,00 €
I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.
  • Comprehensively documents potential late effects in all the normal tissue sites in the human body
  • Considers in detail the detection, diagnosis, management and prevention of effects and discusses prognostic outcomes
  • Clearly presents radiation risk factors and interactions with chemotherapy effects
  • Provides the most current evidence-based medicine for cancer care survivorship guidelines

The literature on the late effects of cancer treatment is widely scattered in different journals since all major organ systems are affected and management is based on a variety of medical and surgical treatments. The aim of ALERT – Adverse Late Effects of Cancer Treatment is to offer a coherent multidisciplinary approach to the care of cancer survivors. The central paradigm is that cytotoxic multimodal therapy results in a perpetual cascade of events that affects each major organ system differently and is expressed continually over time. Essentially, radiation and chemotherapy are intense biologic modifiers that allow for cancer cure and cancer survivorship but accelerate senescence of normal tissues and increase the incidence of age-related diseases and second malignant tumors. Volume 2 of this two-volume work comprehensively documents potential late effects in all the normal tissue anatomic sites in the human body. The detection, diagnosis, management and prevention of effects are all considered in detail, and prognostic outcomes are discussed. Radiation risk factors and interactions with chemotherapy effects are clearly presented. The text is accompanied by numerous supportive illustrations and tables.


Central and Peripheral Nervous System: Brain and Cranial Nerves.- Spinal Cord, Peripheral Nerves, and Autonomic Systems.- Neuroendocrine.- Special Sensory Organ Systems: Eye .- Ear.- Upper Digestive System: Oral Cavity, Pharyngeal Tube, Salivary Gland.- Mandible and Teeth.-Upper Respiratory System: Paranasal Sinus, Nasal Passageway, Nasopharynx, Larynx, Trachea.- Respiratory System: Bronchial Tree Airway, Acinus and Alveoli, and Chest Wall (Pleura and Diaphragm).- Cardiovascular System: Heart, Coronary Arteries, Aorta and Great Vessels, Arteries and Veins, Microcirculation.- Digestive System: Esophagus.- Stomach, Small and Large Intestines.-Rectum, Anus.- Major Digestive Glands: Liver, Gall Bladder, Bile Ducts.- Pancreas .- Genitourinary System: Kidney and Ureter.- Bladder and Urethra.- Male Genital System: Testis.-Prostate, Seminal Vesicle, Penis and Urethra.- Female Genital System: Ovary, Uterus (Fallopian Tube, Cervix), Vagina, and Vulva.- Bladder and Urethra.- Integument (Appendages) System: Skin Surface, Dermis and Wound Healing, Lymphatics (Limbs).-Breast (Chest Wall, Brachial Plexus).- Musculoskeletal System: Growing Endochondral Base, Mature Osseous, Muscle (Striated), Soft Tissue Mesenchyme.- Hematopoetic System: Bone Marrow Distribution, Blood, Extramedulllary Sites.- Lymphoid System: Lymph Node Stations, Regions, Thymus, Spleen, Appendix, Lymphatics.- Endocrine System: Pituitary .- Thyroid.- Subject Index.- List of Contributors.- Contents of Volume 1 General Concepts and Principles.


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