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A Practical Guide to Chemical Peels, Microdermabrasion & Topical Products
79,00 €
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A Practical Guide to Chemical Peels Microdermabrasion and Topical Products

This third volume in the Cosmetic Procedures series details a broad array of minimally invasive cosmetic skin procedures. Regardless of your experience level with aesthetic medicine, this reference delivers useful facts and procedural guidance readers can apply directly to daily practice. Content features step-by-step instructions for chemical peels and other in-office exfoliation treatments and daily home skin care regimens to treat sun-damaged and prematurely aged skin, acne, rosacea, and hyperpigmentation.

Detailed coverage  encompasses the basics of aesthetic medicine, including relevant anatomy, target regions, and areas to be avoided to help improve outcomes and minimize complication risks. Each chapter focuses on a skin care procedure or topical product regimen. Full-color design and illustrations boost understanding of each procedure and aid in retention of essential information. Step-by-step instructions guide readers through each procedure to rapidly acquire procedural skill. Convenient companion website includes videos that provide a surgeon’s-eye-view of the procedures.

Look at all you’ll discover…

• Detailed coverage encompasses the basics of aesthetic medicine, including relevant anatomy, target regions, and areas to be avoided to help improve outcomes and minimize complication risks.

• Well organized chapters focus on a skin care procedure or topical product regimen.

• Full-color design and illustrations boost understanding of each procedure and aid in retention of essential information.

• Step-by-step instructions guide you through each procedure to rapidly acquire procedural skill.

• Convenient companion website includes videos that give you a surgeon’s-eye-view of the procedures.

 Pick up your copy today!

Section 1 Anatomy Section 2 Introduction and Foundation Concepts Section 3 Chemical Peels Chapter 1. Chemical Peels Introduction and Foundation Concepts Chapter 2. Alpha Hydroxy Acid Peels Chapter 3. Beta Hydroxy Acid Peels Chapter 4. Trichloroacetic Acid Peels Chapter 5. Jessner's Peel Chapter 6. Retinoid Peels Chapter 7. Self-Neutralizing Blended Chemical Peels Section 4 Microdermabrasion Section 5 Topical Products Section 6 AppendicesAppendix 1. Skin Structure and Function Appendix 2. Patient Intake Form Appendix 3. Skin Analysis Form Appendix 4. Consent for Skin Care Treatments Appendix 5. Before and After Instructions for Skin Care Treatments Appendix 6. Skin Care Procedure Notes Appendix 7. Microdermabrasion Supply Sources Appendix 8. Chemical Peel and Topical Product Supply Sources


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