Via Falloppio, 61 - PADOVA
8.30-12.30 / 15.00-19.00
Sabato pomeriggio chiuso
Libreria medica internazionale
0,00 €

Anatomia Patologica

Dermatopathology, 3rd Edition
Elston, Ferringer, Ko, Peckham, High & DiCaudo
148,00 €
140,00 €
Practical Atlas of Breast Pathology
Stolnicu, Alvarado-Cabrero
300,00 €
220,00 €
Tura, Zinzani, Cavo
60,00 €
WHO Classification of Skin Tumours. Fourth Edition
Elder, Massi, Scolyer, Willemze
135,00 €
Placental and Gestational Pathology
Redline, Boyd, Roberts
163,00 €
200,00 €
170,00 €
Gaspar, Vasishta, Radotra
110,00 €
Pathology of Melanocytic Tumors
Busam, Gerami, Scolyer
213,00 €
43,00 €
224,00 €
43,00 €
88,00 €
Diagnosis of Endometrial Biopsies and Curettings
Murdock, Veras, Kurman, Mazur
120,00 € 100,00 €
Pediatric Dermatopathology and Dermatology
Gru,Wick, Mir, Zlotoff, Dehner
236,00 € 165,00 €
74,00 €
Survival Guide to Soft Tissue Pathology
Montgomery, Ware, Gardner
135,00 € 110,00 €
Molecular Diagnostics in Cytopathology
Roy-Chowdhuri, Vanderlaan, Stewart
110,00 €
200,00 €
Endoscopic Biopsy Interpretation
Kumarasinghe, Brown
130,00 €
171,50 €
Soft Tissue Tumors of the Skin
Billings, Patel, Buehler
120,00 €
Pathology of the Placenta
Khong, Mooney, Nikkels, Morgan, Gordijn
130,00 €
McKee's Pathology of the Skin, 5th Edition
Calonje, Brenn, Lazar, Billings
439,00 €
254,00 € 210,00 €
Atlas of Gastrointestinal Pathology
Arnold , Lam-Himlin, Elizabeth A. Montgomery
244,00 € 200,00 €
Diagnostic Pathology: Placenta, 2nd Edition
Heerema-McKenney, Popek, De Paepe
238,00 €
191,00 €
130,00 €
Gynecologic and Urologic Pathology
Raspollini, Lopez-Beltran
163,00 €
Urologic Surgical Pathology, 4th Edition
Cheng,Maclennon, Bostwick
285,00 €
160,00 €
235,00 € 200,00 €
244,00 € 200,00 €
Bone Marrow Pathology, 5th Edition
Bain, Clark, Wilkins
187,00 €
282,00 €
60,00 €
70,00 €
120,00 €
Soames' & Southam's Oral Pathology - 5th Edition
Robinson, Hunter, Pemberton, Sloan
54,00 €
Atlas of Intestinal Pathology
Li-Chang, Kirsch, Conner, Sari, Pollett, El-Zimaity, Jain, Celli, Reid, Riddell
130,00 €
115,00 €
Gynecologic and Obstetric Pathology, Volume 1
Zheng, Fadare, Quick, Shen, Guo
170,00 €
Gynecologic and Obstetric Pathology, Volume 2
Zheng, Fadare, Quick, Shen, Guo
200,00 €
100,00 €
65,00 €
65,00 €
55,00 €
Diagnosis of Liver Disease
Hashimoto, Kwo, Suriawinata, Tsui, Iwai
170,00 €
Blaustein's Pathology of the Female Genital Tract
Kurman, Hedrick Ellenson, Ronnett,
310,00 €
100,00 €
TNM Supplement: A Commentary on Uniform Use, 5th Edition
Wittekind, Brierley, Lee, van Eycken
41,80 €
Breast Disease
Aydiner, İgci, Soran
120,00 €
Saxena, Pati
100,00 €
Color Atlas of Human Fetal and Neonatal Histology
Ernst, Ruchelli, Carreon, Huff
200,00 €
90,00 €
Mediastinal Pathology
Kalhor, Moran,
170,00 €
80,00 €
Atlas of Cytopathology: A Pattern Based Approach
VandenBussche, Rodriguez, Allison, Zhang
230,00 €
85,00 €
305,00 €
130,00 €
Practical Cytopathology
Xu, Qian, Wang
100,00 €
100,00 €
Atlas of Cytopathology and Radiology
Nayar, Lin, Paintal,Gupta, Nemcek Jr.
140,00 €
99,00 €
150,00 €
Investigation of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
Cohen, Scheimberg, Beckwith,
114,00 €