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The International System for Serous Fluid Cytopathology
Chandra, Crothers, Iyama-Kurtycz
149,00 €
I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

This book is the culmination of an international effort to bring consistency and diagnostic efficiency to effusion cytology for the sake of patient care. The authors recognize special challenges in serous fluid cytopathology, such as reporting the presence of Mullerian epithelium in peritoneal fluids. What is an appropriate serous fluid volume to ensure adequacy? How should mesothelial proliferations be reported and is it appropriate to make an interpretation of malignant mesothelioma? How specific should a report be regarding the origin and subtyping of tumors found in serous fluids? What are the appropriate quality monitors for this specimen type? Special chapters on considerations for peritoneal washings, cytopreparatory techniques, mesothelioma and quality management are included to address these issues. The text contains literature reviews that elucidate existing evidence in support of current practices and recommendations. Expert opinions on where evidence was lacking, the most common practices were adopted by consensus, and where there was no commonality, are employed. 
Written by experts in the field, The International System for Serous Fluid Cytopathology serves as a collaborative effort between the International Academy of Cytology and the American Society for Cytopathology and calls upon participation of the international cytopathology and oncology communities to contribute to the development of a truly international system for reporting serous fluid cytology

  • The International System for Reporting Serous Fluid Cytopathology: Introduction and Overview of Diagnostic Terminology and Reporting

    Pages 1-7

    Crothers, Barbara (et al.)

  • Non-diagnostic (ND) and Adequacy

    Pages 9-15

    Saieg, Mauro (et al.)

  • Negative for Malignancy (NFM)

    Pages 17-40

    Wojcik, Eva M. (et al.)

  • Atypia of Undetermined Significance

    Pages 41-52

    Vielh, Philippe (et al.)

  • Suspicious for Malignancy (SFM)

    Pages 53-62

    Mikou, Panagiota (et al.)

  • Malignant-Primary (MAL-P) (Mesothelioma)

    Pages 63-98

    Michael, Claire (et al.)

  • Malignant-Secondary (MAL-S)

    Pages 99-128

    Miki, Yurina (et al.)

  • Ancillary Studies for Serous Fluids

    Pages 129-165

    Bubendorf, Lukas (et al.)

  • Special Considerations for Peritoneal Washings

    Pages 167-237

    VandenBussche, Christopher (et al.)

  • Cytopreparatory Techniques

    Pages 239-265

    Russell, Donna K. (et al.)

  • Quality Management

    Pages 267-277

    Centeno, Barbara (et al.)

  • Serous Effusion Anatomy, Biology, and Pathophysiology

    Pages 279-291

    Pambuccian, Stefan E. (et al.)


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