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A practical, full-color reference on the major medical and minmally invasive approaches to managing patients with common and rare vascular diseases Vascular Medicine is one of the first truly comprehensive texts to provide a medically-focused, as opposed to surgically focused, approach to the management of vascular diseases. Presented in full color, with extensive illustrations and practical, clinically-oriented text, the book covers all major conditions such as inflammatory disease, portal hypertension, and granulamatosis. Reflecting an interdisciplinary approach, the author team represents all major specialties represented in the book (outpatient medicine, vascular medicine, cardiology, and radiology).
Table of contents
List of Contributors
A. Diseases of the Arteries
1. Supra-aortic vessels
2. Thoracic arteries
3. Abdominal vessels
4. Diseases of the arteries of the extermities
B. Diseases of the Veins
1. Phlebothrombosis
2. Thrombophlebitis
3. Varicosis
4. Varicose ulcer
5. Portal vein thrombosis, splenic vein thrombosis
6. Portal hypertension
7. Diseases of the superior vena cava and its major afferent vessels
C. Inflammatory Vascular Diseases
1. Diagnosis and classification of vasculitides
2. Giant cell arteritis
3. Takayasu arteritis
4. Polyarteritis nodosa
5. Kawasaki syndrome
6. Wegener granulomatosis
7. Microscopic polyangitis
8. Churg-Strauss syndrome
9. Cryoglobulinemic vasculitis
10. Cutaneous leukocytoclastic vasculitis
11. Schonlein-Henoch purpura
12. Secondary vasculitides
13. Thromboangitis obliterans (TAO)
D. Congenital Vascular Diseases
1. Introduction
2. Arterial malformations
3. Venous malformations
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