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Vascular Emergencies
Rogers, Scalea
72,00 €
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Of all of the clinical entities within the discipline of medicine, vascular emergencies are the most time sensitive, and the patients with these conditions are amongst the most severely ill. Emergency care providers encounter these entities on a day-to-day basis in the emergency department. Vascular emergencies by their very nature are limb and life threatening, and emergency physicians and other providers have to be expert in the care and disposition of this group of patients. Vascular Emergencies focuses on the acute presentation in the emergency department. Each chapter includes a discussion on diagnosis and treatment when resources are limited, a list of critical actions, pearls and pitfalls, and definitive care. Written by emergency physicians with unique understanding of the pertinent issues in the emergency department, this book provides practical advice for all acute care providers caring for patients with vascular emergencies.


• Focuses on the initial emergency department presentation
• Contains practical pearls and pitfalls
• Written by emergency physicians


Table of Contents

List of contributors
Part I. Cerebrovascular Disease Jonathan Edlow:
1. Cerebral sinus venous thrombosis Jonathan C. Roberts and Christopher M. Fischer
2. Acute ischemic stroke Cemal B. Sozener and Phillip A. Scott
3. Intracerebral hemorrhage Lauren M. Nentwich and Joshua N. Goldstein
4. Aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage Jonathan Edlow
5. Blunt and penetrating injuries to the neck Niels K. Rathlev and Joseph C. Schmidt
6. Cervical artery dissection Bo E. Madsen and Selim H. Magdy
Part II. Acute Aortic Disease John A. Elefteriades:
7. Acute aortic dissection John A. Elefteriades and Samuel Youssef
8. Acute aortic occlusion Akhilesh Jain, Jeffrey Indes, John A. Elefteriades and Bart E. Muhs
9. Ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms Matthew K. Folstein, Karan Chopra and Kapil Gopal
10. Blunt aortic injury David J. Skarupa and Jay Menaker
11. Thoracica aortic aneurysm Bart Muhs and John A. Elefteriades
Part III. Extremities Kapil Gopal:
12. Acute upper limb ischemia Kamil Vallabh
13. Acute atraumatic lower limb ischemia Thomas S. Monahan
14. Extremity aneurysms Kristian A. Ulloa
15. Evaluation and management of thrombosed/occluded bypass grafts Jonathan Kittredge and Kapil Gopal
16. Penetrating extremity trauma – vascular aspects Timothy Craig Hardcastle, Christopher Venter and Daan den Hollander
Part IV. Visceral Arterial/Venous Emergencies Joe Martinez:
17. Acute mesenteric ischemia George C. Willis
18. Acute visceral venous disease Matthew K. Folstein, Karan Chopra and Kapil Gopal
Part V. Acute Venous Thromboembolic Disease Mike Mccurdy:
19. Upper extremity deep venous thrombosis Majid Afshar and Nirav G. Shah
20. Lower extremity deep venous thrombosis Leann Silhan and Robert M. Reed
21. Pulmonary embolism Samantha L. Wood and Robert M. Reed
22. Thrombolytic therapy for venous thromboembolism Sa'ad Lahri
Part VI. Use of Ultrasound in the Emergency Department Brian Euerle:
23. Ultrasound-guided central venous access Sarah K. Sommerkamp and Alisa Gibson
24. Use of ultrasound to assess the patient with hypotension and shock Leah Bright and Beatrice Hoffman
25. Use of ultrasound to assess abdominal vascular emergencies Sam Hsu
Part VII. Miscellaneous Haney Mallemet:
26. Hemodialysis access emergencies Eugene J. Schweitzer
27. Complications of central venous catheterization Ronald Tesoriero
28. Complications of cardiac catheterization James T. DeVries
29. Vascular manifestations of systemic autoimmune diseases Raymond Flores


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