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The Washington Manual of Heart Failure and Transplantation First edition
Moreno, Kopecky
Wolters Kluwer
90,00 €


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A new volume in the popular Washington Manual® handbook series, The Washington Manual® Heart Failure and Transplantationprovides concise, high-yield content that reflects today’s fast-changing advances in the field. Edited by Drs. Jonathan D. Moreno and Benjamin J. Kopecky, and written by teams from Washington University, this practical handbook focuses on the essential information you need to know, using a brief, bulleted format, along with numerous figures, tables, algorithms, and images throughout. In one convenient, portable resource, you’ll find complete coverage of heart failure pathophysiology and clinical management spanning both inpatient and outpatient treatment settings—all at your fingertips for quick review and reference.

  • Provides a high-level, accessible overview of the entire field of heart failure and transplantation, linking current practice with primary evidence throughout, and including recommendations for further reading
  • Includes key points in each chapter, as well as tables that chronologically summarize landmark clinical trials
  • Selected chapters include real-world clinicalcase vignettes
  • Shares the experience and knowledge of Washington University faculty physicians and fellows in cardiology, internal medicine, surgery, pharmacy, and other related fields
  • An ideal reference to meet the daily needs of cardiology and heart failure fellows, general cardiologists, internal medicine residents on heart failure rotations, and APRNs

The Washington Manual® is a registered mark belonging to Washington University in St. Louis to which international legal protection applies. The mark is used in this publication by Wolters Kluwer Health under license from Washington University.

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Contributors vi
Preface xi
Acknowledgments xii
1 Introduction 1
Jonathan D. Moreno and Benjamin J. Kopecky
2 Clinical Assessment in Heart Failure 3
Adam N. Lick, Mario Rodriguez Rivera, and Edward M. Geltman
3 Cardiac Imaging in Heart Failure 14
Cliff Pruett, Phillip King, Scott Bugenhagen,
Thomas Schindler, Majesh Makan, and Pamela Woodard
4 Right Heart Catheterization and Invasive Hemodynamics 30
Raja Zaghlol and Joel Schilling
5 Common Etiologies of Heart Failure and Associated Workup 48
Michael A. Katsnelson and Sumanth D. Prabhu
6 Cardiac Amyloidosis: Diagnostic Approach and Treatment
Strategies 72
S. Zyad Qamer, Walter B. Schiffer, and Joshua D. Mitchell
7 COVID-19 and Heart Failure 92
Amanda K. Verma
8 Pulmonary Hypertension 100
Adam N. Lick and Maanasi Samant
9 Heart Failure in Populations Underrepresented in Trials 117
Kristen E. Wong, Olakanmi Olagoke, Natasha K. Wolfe, and Michael W. Rich
10 Drug Therapies for Heart Failure With Reduced Ejection
Fraction: The Cornerstone Therapies 135
Preet Ayoub Shaikh, Frederick Brown, Amanda Tedder,
and Amanda K. Verma
11 Diuretics in Heart Failure 153
Ahmed Diab, Ali Javaheri, and Jonathan D. Moreno
12 Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction 170
Colin Martz, Bin Yang, David Lambert, and Nancy Sweitzer
13 Acute Decompensated Heart Failure 186
Mario Rodriguez Rivera, Raja Zaghlol, Adam May, and Bria Giacomino

14 Evaluation and Management of Cardiogenic Shock 200
Nicholas Arnold, Amit Pawale, and Richard G. Bach
15 Electrophysiology in Advanced Heart Failure 220
Caleb Norton, Elin Beck, Hannah Wey, and Rugheed Ghadban
16 Valvular Strategies in Heart Failure 260
Noah N. Williford and Alan Zajarias
17 Cardiac Rehabilitation and Quality of Life in Heart Failure 277
Lauren K. Park and Linda R. Peterson
18 Palliative and End-of-Life Care in Heart Failure 287
Jesse Young, Sang Gune K. Yoo, and Daniel Paget
19 Advanced Therapies Evaluation 300
Mary Beth Fernandez and Jonathan D. Moreno
20 Orthotopic Heart Transplant 311
Erin M. Schumer, Kunal Deepak Kotkar, Muhammad Faraz Masood, and
Amit Pawale
21 Immunosuppression in Heart Transplant 320
April Pottebaum and Kory Lavine
22 Surveillance and Treatment of Suspected Allograft
Rejection 334
Alexander N. Wein, Benjamin J. Kopecky, Kent Botkin, and Chieh-Yu Lin
23 Long-Term Follow-up and Complications Arising From Heart
Transplantation 352
Arick C. Park and Justin M. Vader
24 Durable Left Ventricular Assist Device: History, Initial
Optimization, and Management of Complications 364
Mohammed O. Ahmed, Justin Hartupee, and Gregory Ewald
25 On the Cutting Edge of Advanced Therapies 385
Junedh M. Amrute and Benjamin J. Kopecky
Index 402


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