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Libreria medica internazionale
0,00 €
The Surgical Examination of Children
Hutson, Beasley
150,00 €
I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.
  • A problem-oriented approach to surgical diagnosis in children
  • More than 350 simple line drawings illustrating the key features
  • A short list of “golden rules” at the end of each chapter

This book demonstrates clearly how to perform a clinical examination in the infant or child who has a surgical condition. Most textbooks of pediatric surgery focus on the pathological classification and overall management of disease, rather than the practical details of how a diagnosis is made. Yet, in clinical practice, experienced physicians and surgeons usually use a problem-oriented approach to clinical diagnosis. Surprisingly, this is rarely taught to students. The authors attempt to redress this imbalance by providing a clinical approach to the patient which can be learned with a minimum of factual information. The book should therefore remain useful to the practitioner throughout his or her medical career. It includes detailed coverage of the usual presentations of common diseases, but does not attempt to cover all aspects of the presentations of uncommon diseases unless their recognition is important for the well-being or survival of the child. Generally illustrated, this is a book for all who are learning the art of pediatric surgical diagnosis.


General Principles.- Is the Baby Normal.- Abdominal Pain: Is it Appendicitis.- Inguinoscrotal Lesions.- Abnormalities of The Penis.- The Umbilicus.- Non Bile-Stained Vomiting in Infancy.- Colic.- The Neck.- The Head and Face.- The Mouth.- Trauma.- The Limbs.- Urinary Tract Symptoms.- Abdominal Masses.- Gastro-Intestinal Bleeding.- Jaundice.- Spina Bifida.- Abnormalities of the Chest Wall and Breast.- Respiratory Distress in the Newborn.- Neonatal Bowel Obstruction.- Ambiguous Genitalia: Is it a Boy or a Girl


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