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The Routledge Handbook of Paleopathology
223,00 €


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The Routledge Handbook of Paleopathology provides readers with an overview of the study of ancient disease.

The volume begins by exploring current methods and techniques employed by paleopathologists as means to highlight the range of data that can be generated, the types of questions that can be methodologically addressed, our current limitations, and goals for the future. Building on these foundations, the volume introduces a range of diseases and conditions that have been noted in the fossil, archaeological, and historical record, offering readers a foundational understanding of pathological conditions, along with their potential etiologies. Importantly, an evolutionary and highly contextualized assessment of diseases and conditions will be presented in order to demonstrate the need for adopting anthropological, biological, and clinical approaches when exploring the past and interpreting the modern world. The volume concludes with the contextualization of paleopathological research. Chapters highlight ways in which analyses of health and disease in skeletal and mummified remains reflect political and social constructs of the past and present. Health and disease are tackled within evolutionary perspectives across deep time and generationally, and the nuanced interplay between disease and behavior is explored.

The volume will be indispensable for archaeologists, bioarchaeologists, and historians, and those in medical fields, as it reflects current scholarship within paleopathology and the field’s impact on our understanding of health and disease in the past, the present, and implications for our future.

1. Introduction

Anne L. Grauer

PART I: Applications, Methods, and Techniques in Paleopathology

2. The Macroscopic Study of Human Skeletal Paleopathology

Simon Mays

3. Differential Diagnosis and Rigor in Paleopathology

Jo Appleby

4. Epidemiology and Mathematical Modeling

Samantha L. Yaussy

5. Paleohistopathology: History, Technical Aspects, and Diagnostic Challenges

Sandra Assis and Hans H. de Boer

6. Paleoradiology

Chiara Villa and Marie Louise Jørkov

7. Isotopes in Paleopathology

Chris Stantis and Ellen J. Kendall

8. Genetics and Genomics

Susanna Sabin and Anne C. Stone

9. Parasitology and Paleopathology

Aida R. Barbera, Morgana Camacho and Karl Reinhard

10. Historical Sources, Historiography, and Paleopathology

Piers D. Mitchell

11. Osteobiography and Case Studies.

Alexis T. Boutin

12. Mummified Remains

Ken Nystrom, Dario Piombino-Mascali, Jane E. Buikstra and Lucia Watson Jiménez

PART II: Investigating Diseases and Conditions of the Past

13. “Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones”: Traumatic Injuries in Paleopathology

Jennifer F. Byrnes and Katherine Gaddis

14. Developmental Conditions in Paleopathology

Anne R. Titelbaum, Scott E. Burnett and D. Troy Case

15. Tumors and Neoplastic Diseases: Assessing Antiquity and Pondering Prevalence

Casey L. Kirkpatrick

16. Treponemal Infection

Brenda J. Baker

17. Here and Now, There and Then: Two Mycobacterial Diseases Still with Us Today

Charlotte A. Roberts, Kelly E. Blevins, Kori Lea Filipek and Aryel Pacheco Miranda

18. Paleopathology of Infectious Diseases

Olivier Dutour

19. Metabolic and Endocrine Diseases

Megan B. Brickley and Brianne Morgan

20. Dental Disease

Jaime Ullinger and Tisa Loewen

PART III: Theoretical Approaches and New Directions

21. Ethical Considerations for Paleopathology

Carlina de la Cova

22. Synthesizing Stress in Paleopathological Perspective: Theory, Method, Application

Daniel H. Temple and Haagen D. Klaus

23. Theoretical Approaches to the Paleopathology of Infants, Children, and Adolescents: Structural Violence as a Holistic Interpretive Tool in Paleopathology

Siân E. Halcrow and Gwen Robbins Schug

24. Issues of Gender, Identity, and Agency in Paleopathology

Pamela K. Stone and Adam Netzer Zimmer

25. Disability and Care in the Bioarchaeological Record: Meeting the Challenges of Being Human

Lorna Tilley

26. Defining the Margins, Embodying the Consequences

Madeleine Mant and Lauren September Poeta

27. Interpreting Trauma and Social Violence from Skeletal Remains

Debra L. Martin, Aurora Marcela Pérez-Flórez, Claira Ralston and Ryan P. Harrod

28. The Developmental Origins of Health and Disease: Implications for Paleopathology

Rebecca Gowland and Jennifer L. Caldwell

29. Disease in the Fossil Record

Florian Witzmann and Patrick Asbach

30. Zooarchaeology and the Paleopathological Record

László Bartosiewicz and Khashaiar Mansouri

31. Plagues and Pandemics

Sharon N. DeWitte, Ziyu R.Wang and Saige Kelmelis

32. Public Perceptions of Paleopathology and the Future of Outreach

Kristina Killgrove and Jane E. Buikstra

33. Big Pictures in 21st-Century Paleopathology: Interdisciplinarity and Transdisciplinarity

Jane E. Buikstra, Elizabeth W. Uhl and Amanda Wissler


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