Via Falloppio, 61 - PADOVA
8.30-12.30 / 15.00-19.00
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Libreria medica internazionale
0,00 €
The Multiple Sclerosis Companion
Answers to the most frequently asked questions from people with MS
60,00 €


I prezzi indicati possono subire variazioni poiché soggetti all'oscillazione dei cambi delle valute e/o agli aggiornamenti effettuati dagli Editori.

The book provides competent assistance to all those affected by Multiple Sclerosis to better understand the disease and educates them about current diagnostic methods and treatment approaches. With independent information, the guidebook provides the key to a self-determined life with the disease. Complex medical facts such as the malfunctioning immune system or MRI findings are explained in understandable words and accompanying drawings. This companion also raises awareness beyond conventional medicine to take into account important influencing environmental factors.

The author provides answers to the many questions that are asked again and again in the doctors’ practices and cannot always be answered to this extent and with this clarity due to time restrictions. For this reason, it is a highly helpful tool to both MS practitioner and patient.

The book is structured as follows:

What is MS? - How the central nervous system is structured - What happens when the nervous system is misdirected - MS relapse and typical symptoms - The path to diagnosis - An excursion into our immune system - The MRI findings - Why lumbar puncture - What to do during an MS relapse - I'm fine, why therapy? - MS and the desire to have children - What can I do myself: Nutrition, Vitamin D, intestine and microbiome.

  1. Front Matter

    Pages i-xx


  2. MS: Understanding the Disease

    1. Front Matter

      Pages 1-1


    2. What Is MS? A First Overview

      • Anke Friedrich

      Pages 3-18

    3. Do I Really Have MS?

      • Anke Friedrich

      Pages 19-24

    4. A Trip into Our Immune System

      • Anke Friedrich

      Pages 25-44

    5. Why MRI?

      • Anke Friedrich

      Pages 45-76

    6. The Most Important Things About the Cerebrospinal Fluid

      • Anke Friedrich

      Pages 77-89

  3. MS: Understanding the Therapy

    1. Front Matter

      Pages 91-91


    2. How MS Is Treated

      • Anke Friedrich

      Pages 93-93

    3. What To Do in an Acute MS Attack

      • Anke Friedrich

      Pages 95-96

    4. I’m Fine: Why Therapy?

      • Anke Friedrich

      Pages 97-98

    5. MS Therapy Yesterday and Today

      • Anke Friedrich

      Pages 99-105

    6. How the Progression of the Disease Can Be Influenced: The MS Drugs in Detail

      • Anke Friedrich

      Pages 107-115

    7. The Therapy Goal Has a Name: NEDA

      • Anke Friedrich

      Pages 117-120

    8. MS and Vaccinations

      • Anke Friedrich

      Pages 121-123

    9. MS and the Desire to Have Children

      • Anke Friedrich

      Pages 125-127

  4. MS: And What You Can Do Yourself

    1. Front Matter

      Pages 129-129


    2. Self-Initiative Helps

      • Anke Friedrich

      Pages 131-133

    3. Forest Fire MS

      • Anke Friedrich

      Pages 135-137

    4. Western Diet and Blue Zones

      • Anke Friedrich

      Pages 139-143

      1. Nutrition Works

        • Anke Friedrich

        Pages 145-149

      2. The Intestine and Its Inhabitants

        • Anke Friedrich

        Pages 151-155

      3. Microbiota and Microbiome

        • Anke Friedrich

        Pages 157-159

      4. How the Microbiome Develops

        • Anke Friedrich

        Pages 161-162

      5. How Bacteria Can Be Identified

        • Anke Friedrich

        Pages 163-164

      6. The Stool Transplant

        • Anke Friedrich

        Pages 165-167

      7. The Bowel and MS: What Does Scientific Research Say?

        • Anke Friedrich

        Pages 169-177

      8. Vitamin D: Sense and Nonsense

        • Anke Friedrich

        Pages 179-187

      9. Action Plan and Recipes to Follow

        • Anke Friedrich

        Pages 189-207

      10. The Most Important Recommendations Summarised

        • Anke Friedrich

        Pages 209-211

    5. Back Matter

      Pages 213-230


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